The Bad day

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BEEP BEEP BEEP My alarm screamed at me shut up I yelled I'm up I hit the alarm finely the alarm shunted up. Are you up yet for school my mom yelled from downstairs yes I yell back.
Ugh I growled to my self I hate and love school I know that dose not make sense let me explain 2 reasons why I hate school is because of the kids you see I am really shy and kind of scared of people and I can't even talk to the kids at school thy are really mean any way always bullying me any way I'm use to people hating me. Reson 2 the teachers are mean like evil. Why I love school is learning I love learning New things I want to be a vet or pet groomer I haven't picked yet.

As I crawled out of my king size bed and My king size fluffy blanket I ran into the bathroom and opened the toilet sit and peed and then I took a long hot shower it felt so good I went in my room and I brushed my long hair and put on a v neck t-shirt and some old looking blue jeans and over my t- shirt I put on my blue hoodie and I also put on my  rebox shoes. And I grabbed my back pack and ran downstairs and grabbed some toast and kissed my mom on the cheek bye love'yall love you to my mom yelled as I ran out the door.

When I got on the bus all the kids moved there bags over so I couldn't sit I looked around then the bus driver yelled sit I jumped then looked at him I can't I say then he got up and yelled at the boy  move over the boy moved immediately glaring at me the bus driver said was that hard I  looked down at the floor and sit and boy looked at me and said freak. Just great I thought a another bully to add to my list

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