wait WHAT

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hey guys I feel happy with this book even if it only has 2-3 reads I feel like it will be a good one you know if you like it so far you can always fan comment vote tell your friends tell your wife tell your kids tell you GRANDPA for all I care haha so on with this chapter...

Kayla's pov

"welcome everyone... now you are probably wondering why the fourth years aren't with their tables well you see this year we decided to change it up a bit every fourth year will get re sorted. now if I hear word that any GRADE you are being rude to these new students you will have to spend a month with the opposite house were you see what its like being away from your family. some of you may be sorted back into the same house but don't be to dependant on it..." Dumbledore stated "so lets start with the fourth years..."



"CARMEN, KAYLA" I walked up and sat on the stool the hat was about 5cm away from my head when it screamed "SLYTHERIN" wow I didn't know I was that evil and cruel...




"MALFOY, DRACO" sooner then the hat called mine it yelled "SLYTHERIN"


*clap clap clap* WAIT WHAT is potter really in slytherin or is that just me..

"hey dray-dray?" i asked draco pulling at the sleeve of his robes

"yeah kay-kay?" draco replied

"is potty-head really in slytherin? the Gryffindor hero in slytherin?"

"i believe so Kayla..."

"as long as he doesn't take my position as slytherin princess" i replied cheekily

"but he would have to be a girl to take the princess position- OHHHHHHH haha i get it you were calling him a girl.. that was a good one Kay! haha"

i face palmed at Draco's stupidness i noticed that the weaselette was glaring at me and i didn't realise why until potter came and asked "can i sit here? no one else will let me sit with them..."

"FINE. just because your gonna be a slytherin now and we can get to your friends and prank them!!!!" i exclaimed

"thanks?" potter replied

"well considering ginger over there has been glaring at you since you got sorted im guessing you may need some friends and who's better than the slytherin prince and princess also Crabbe and goyle got sorted into odd houses..." draco stated


"so potty- i mean harry. are you gonna try out for the quiddich team?" draco asked

"yeah probably beater. i have a pretty good swing... kayla your keeper right? and draco seeker?"

"YUP! wow potter you know more about slytherin than i thought..." i exclaimed happily!

" so draco what boys are we sharing a dorm with its 5 to a room right!?!?!"

"OK kayla maybe you spoke to soon..." draco started "NO potter its 2 to a room and we have king beds. What did you have to share a room before?"

"yeah 5 of us in a room with small 4 poster beds. you seriously get 2 too a room and a king bed each?"

"Yup nice right?" i asked

"well i might like staying in slytherin more than i thought...!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2013 ⏰

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