sorting again?

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I sat up and looked around my cold dark bedroom I couldn't help but wonder why I dreamt about my first year at Hogwarts maybe its the fact that today I will be getting on the train for my 4th year.

I got up and got dressed thinking about meeting up with Draco after first year when I stumbled into his kitchen its been sort of a tradition I say good by to my family at my house and then I go to Draco's I got up and got dressed in light blue skinny jeans, a cream colored long sleeved top with a brown owl on it, my 9 3/4 necklace and I slipped on my pink bailey bow ugg boots. my ginger hair kept getting in my face so I put it in a half up half down style with a fishtail braid. I put on whatever makeup I had to and ran down stairs. Jonah tossed me an apple as I grabbed my trunk and bag "BYE JONAH BYE MUM BYE PAPA!!!! im leaving!" "dear before you go this Christmas we are going to visit aunt Gertrude and we know neither you or your brother are very fond of her so if you want you can come or you can stay at your schools and we will owl you your presents." my papa said "I'LL STAY" Jonah and I replied in perfect sync.

"well bye again family see you in a year!! I'll write every week BYEEEEE" I grabbed some floo powder and jumped into the fireplace "MALFOY MANOR" twisting and spinning I finally rolled out of the Malfoy's kitchen fireplace "ah hello Kayla we were wondering when you would be showing up." Narcissa said "draco is waiting in for you by the front door you better hurry up, now I believe he has something for you..." I thanked her and ran through the very familiar house until I found draco holding a box with holes in it. "draco not to be rude or anything well actually I do mean to be rube but couldn't you afford a box with out holes in it?" I asked coolly

"haha and these are the moments I understand why you are in slytherin... that and you hate potter, weasleys, granger and most Gryffindor's-" draco started

"HEY I hate all of them but not FRED WEASLEY remember he saved my life last year during the slytherin vs. Gryffindor quiddich match when stupid potter knocked me off my broom cause I almost had the golden snitch and Fred saw me falling and saved me even if I was a slytheri-"

"slytherin I know I've heard the story 15 times before and now you are hopelessly in love with someone you have no chance with..." draco stated

"HEY I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH HIM... and what's in the box?" I questioned blushing

"OH YEAH its a late birthday gift since you couldn't hang on your birthday" I squealed as he gave me the box I opened it to find the cutest puppy ever! "Merlin's beard draco you got me a MUGGLE PUPPY!!!!!!!!! thank you thank you thank you I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!"

"you do?" draco asked with big eyes

"OF COURSE YOU GOT ME A PUPPY! wait can I keep him at Hogwarts how big will he get OH MY GOD HES ADDORABLEEEEEEEE!"

"well even if he is a MUGGLE puppy I put a couple spells on him so he wouldn't grow any bigger he can also heal wounds and he is immortal until you die! also with the whole HOGGY WARTS thing come on you got past filch and McGonagall with out an invisibility cloak you can hide a little puppy." with this I grabbed Draco's face and went to kiss his cheek but his father called his name so he ended up moving and BAM I fell over. he helped me up and I went to kiss his cheek again but he moved his face again and I ended up kissing him smack on the mouth... I pulled away and blushed "draco u got to stop moving around so much haha"

"well lets go" draco said grabbing our stuff I put my new puppy who I decided to name dragon after draco inside my backpack where he barked happily and curled up to go to sleep.


when we got to the train we climbed up and I bumped into harry potter and Fred weasley

"im sorry Carmen I didn't see you there... are you okay?" Fred asked me

"FRED YOU CAN NOT TALK TO THE ENEMY LIKE THAT SHES JUST A PEICE OF WHITE TRAILOR TRASH." harry shouted causing many people to start crowding around us.

"watch it potter..." draco said through gritted teeth.

"aw is your little boyfriend defending you?" harry taunted causing fred to laugh and that was the last straw I punched harry in the face HARD stomped on Fred's foot and kicked them both where the sun don't shine "never say that again potter" I spat out his name like venom and then stomped away

"hey Kayla" pansy said

"yes pansy my dearest best friend" I replied laughing

"I heard from goyle who heard from blaise that last year McGonagall said to snape that all 4th years are having a re-sorting so we can meet new people...." pansy said quietly "WHAT YOUR KIDDING THATS CRAY CRAY GIRLLLL but look at what draco got me...."

we chatted for hours before we finally reached Hogwarts. we soon heard filch screaming "4th YEARS COME WITH ME!!!!!!!!!" "ugh Squibb" Crabbe muttered. soon all the 4th years were walking up the hill towards the castle entrance. he knocked 5 times and snape answered the doors "ah thank you filch... ok fourth years the reason you are hear is because you will be getting re-sorted. I will come back to get you when the time is ready in the mean time I suggest you all fix your appearances so you don't disgrace us staff members." snape said in mono-tone. unlike most people snape is my favorite teacher and potions is my favorite class. it also helps that he favors me more than he does draco.

I pulled out my wand and my pocket mirror and took my hair from my fish tail and used a spell I created to put it into perfect, soft, bouncy curls (cassata kaylossa) . a couple people over I heard granger try to pull of my spell "casadda Kaymossa" instead of perfect glossy curls like mine grangers hair turned an odd puke green and went very frizzy and poufy. she looked at herself and started crying and since it was my spell I felt like I had to fix it so I said "colomada revosa'' and it turned back to its normal brown she looked around shock written on her face to see who fixed her hair I just smirked and looked away

"fourth years this way" snape said reappearing

we all walked silently over and waited for our names to be called...

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