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Ross Lynch stood outside his best friend's door, laced with nerves. He couldn't believe he was here, it was pretty cold in California that time. He had always loved California in the winter. It was incredibly beautiful.

"Athena?" he whispered, stepping inside his best friend's door.

There she was, laying down on her stomach, her back turned towards him, she looked rough but peaceful.

He sat down on one of her chairs and looked at her, he gently touched her hand, watching her turn around and look at him.

"Ross?" she whispered, tiredly. "What are you doing here?"

"Shh." he placed a finger on her lips.

"You wanted to cuddle." he felt a silly grin appear on his face.

"I didn't mean-" she started, "how did you get here?"

"I know, your cousin might've helped me," he nodded. "Wanted to surprise you."

"Your freezing." she felt his cold hand.

"Do something about it." Ross smiled and took of his shoes and jacket before lying down next to her.

She snuggled into his chest, feeling his heartbeat as he tangled his cold feet with her's.

"Thank you for coming." She smiled.

"Your welcome."

"Goodnight, Ross." she smiled, she was happy to have him by her side. "I love you."

Ross wasn't surprised one bit because he indeed felt the same way.

"I love you to," he smiled. "Goodnight, internet bestie.." He kissed her forehead before the jet-lag caused him to fall into a deep sleep with a girl he truly loved.


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