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athenabrooks:so tell me about yourself.

rosslynch:i like planes

athenabrooks:really? is that it?

rosslynch:geez. okay, i like playing guitar.

athenabrooks:ooh, a musician.

rosslynch:aspiring but yes.

athenabrooks:what else, what about your family?

rosslynch:i was getting to that, i have 4 siblings, 3 brothers and a sister.

athenabrooks:how does your sister deal with you?

rosslynch:hey, i'm not all annoying.

athenabrooks:uh huh.

rosslynch:what about you?

athenabrooks:i have only one sibling.

rosslynch:brother or sister?

athenabrooks:little brother.


athenabrooks:uh huh.

rosslynch:what else do you like?

athenabrooks:i like music.

rosslynch:you play?

athenabrooks:sometimes, lynch. sometimes.

rosslynch:i would love to see you play sometimes.

athenabrooks:maybe it'll be on my next tweet.


athenabrooks:ha, okay.

rosslynch:i'll be here waiting.

athenabrooks:okay, lynch, okay.

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