I locked the door and slipped the keys in my bag, closing it afterwards.


While I was walking on the way to school, I then felt that familiar feeling that I was being followed. Watched.

Halfway to the school, I finished my tetra pak milk and threw it on a trash bin I passed by.

I gripped my scarf using the hand that was earlier occupied of the tetra pak milk. I stopped walking and looked at my surroundings through the corner of my eyes.

I was about to speak when I spotted a hint of red on the corner of my right eye. I whipped my head to the familiar shade of red hair.

"K—Minamino! Oi Shuichi!" I called out, almost slipping out his real name. The said boy turned his head to me and smiled the moment he saw me. I ran towards him and flashed a grin.

"It's been a long time." I said.

"It is. A month had gone by fast." he commented. I nodded.

"On your way to school, huh?" I asked. He nodded.

"You too, I presume." he stated and I nodded.

"Anyways, I'm pretty much in a hurry now so..." I muttered and flashed a small smile at him before running back to my original route. I looked at him for the last time and waved, he did the same before he also walked away.

If only Takako was here...

I giggled. Poor Takako. I bet she's gonna be jealous once she heard that I bumped into Kurama before school.

I sighed. Even though feeling that I'm being followed is gone...

I still wonder...

Who might that be?


"Mizumi? Earth to Mizumi!"

I blinked and looked at the person calling me. It's Keiko—with Takako beside her. She flashed me a confused look.

"You've been staring at the window for the whole period, are you alright?" Keiko asked with a worried look. I flashed her a small smile.

"I'm fine, I'm just feeling a little... off today." I replied, feeling tired all of a sudden. I can sense Takako narrow her eyes and I gave her an assuring look. Keiko didn't bother to push the subject even if she looked at us warily.

"I think we should do something fun, just the three of us. Yusuke missed three times already and he's not here to make up for it." she suggested hopefully.

Before I could comment or disagree about it, Takako immediately agreed and told Keiko what could be the craziest idea she suggested since the spirit world shenanigan.


{ Third Person }

The three girls dragged their feet from the bus stop to a worned out path into the vast area of towering trees. It's been half an hour already and the house they're staying is nowhere near their current location.

"Please don't tell me it's in the heart of the forest." Mizumi groaned and looked up to the trees, thinking that they could just jump on those trees like they do on missions. They were currently walking in path where Takako leads the way to their destination.

"We can't exactly do that. They're quite high." Takako replied in a slight whisper as if she read Mizumi's mind and tried to say it in a way that their other friend won't be able to hear while she kept poking the ground with her long stick for any thing harmful or unexpected.

The Cause and The Effect { A Yu Yu Hakusho Love Story }Where stories live. Discover now