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Bold Text=Justin
Normal Text=Jayde

Hey babe ;)

who's this?

You don't remember?

fill me in

You gave me your number? Last night at the club?

Listen I did a lot of things at the club last night but seriously I drank a little too much and don't remember anything, so I'm sorry but I have no idea who you are so please delete my number, bye

Are you serious? -_-


Fuck I should have just left your drunken ass passed out in the alley.

wait, your the one who put me in a taxi?


oh shit, well uh, thank you


So what happened last night?

So now you want to talk?😏😏

chill, I just wanna know what happened

Why is your punctuation so bad?


You have no capital letter's or full stops. It's annoying.

wtf? because I am talking on text, sorry Mr Teacher, im a good girl, don't punish me😒

ooooo loving that teacher kink Jayde ;)

omg how do you know my name?

Believe me, from what you spilled to me last night, your name should be the last thing you need to worry about.

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