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It was late June all the leaves shined brightly in Griffendale today. I was the first to be up I watched the sun rise of the valley and wondered *what is beyond the valley I live in what is out beyond the horizon villages caves mountains sky scrapers like in my books* "lily why are you up so early" Timothy came into my room rubbing his eyes."nothing jut staring at the sky"I was lieing I was wondering what was out there beyond are hidden valley. "Mom said we have to get to school early today to help some of the teachers" "why" I asked "I don't know just get dressed and get your school books so we can get the work done" I sat on my bed when he left my room. *sigh* " I better get ready before mom wakes up" I put on my favorite blue shoes and and my pink ting top with a flower on it. Right before I left my bed room I put on my black headband. "Perfect"I mumbled to myself. I slid down the railing of the stairs and jumped into the kitchen I saw Timothy putting on his big red cap." Are you ready " he jumped when I said that. "Woa you scared my sis as yes I am ready." By the look on his face it seemed he wasn't ready we have been working hard these past two weeks to get money but we still had little money. Me and Timothy have been thinking about maybe leaving the valley so mommy didn't have to pay for us and could pay for are new baby sister that will be coming in a month. I think it would be ok for us to go out on our own I mean Timothy is 15 and I am 14 I think that is old enough. "Sister come on we need to head to the school" "ok" I yelled back I grabbed my book back and ran to the door.

                ( hey guys this was the first part to the book lily bad Timothy I hope you guys liked it please like and subscribe in the comments below and tell me if you liked the first part to lily and Timothy see ya guys next time with *time for work* next part 😉

Lily and Timothy Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt