The blue of Robin's eyes conveyed the emotion of contentment and pride for his friend turned good.
Robin's thoughts were soon interrupted as Emma spoke, "Merlin needs me to meet him in the forest, I'll be back by nightfall, don't worry," she said to the gang, as she quickly hugged her son, parents, and Killian accompanied with and 'I love you', before throwing Regina a small smile and a state of "Congratulations" before she walked towards the door to exit the room. As soon as she made it outside the door, Killian cursed himself for not stopping her and jogged swiftly towards the doorway.
"Swan, wait."
Emma was only a few feet away from the entrance of the Queen's bedchamber before she swiveled upon hearing her lover's voice. Killian grabbed Emma's hand in his, stopping her as he pulled her slightly towards the wall outside the wooden doored entrance to Regina and Robin's bedchamber.
"Killian, I have to go meet Merlin and I can't be late. He thinks he knows of a way to rid me of the darkness for good. 'The Flame of  Prometheus'; If I can get it to ignite, I can be used to bind the dagger and the broken sword, reforming Excalibur," Emma smiled, optimism shining through her features.
"You'll return by nightfall?" Killian asked.
"Yes. We go get this spark thing, and then I'm working my way back to you, babe," Emma smiled.
"I know when you're quoting something," Killian threw Emma a smirk.
"And I love that you never know what it is. Anyway, with a bit of luck, we can put Excalibur together tomorrow, and then... bam... No more darkness."
"Be careful, Emma"
Killian raised an arm to a necklace that laid around his neck, pulling it from around his neck. "Whoa," Emma laughed nervously, "Whoa, whoa, whoa."
He now had the necklace in his hand, holding it up in front of him to reveal a ring that had gone through the silver chain of the piece of jewelry.
Killian smiled, "Calm down, Swan. I'm not proposing"
A beat of silence.

"You know I'm a survivor. This ring is why. I've had it for many years. It once belonged to a man braver and more courageous than I. It was a good luck charm of sorts, and I think it's the reason I'm alive. Or it could be. Who knows?"
Emma sighed.
"You know I can't die today. I'm immortal now."
Killian's face went serious; his light blue eyes now tinged with a slight darkness and worry; his mouth set in a thin line.

"Anyone can kill anyone, there's always a way, a loophole, and the Dark One is immortal. Emma isn't. Bring her home to me," Killian smiled slightly, "At the very least, this ring is a reminder that you've got a piercing-eyed, smoldering pirate here who loves you," Killian replied.
"Thank you. I love you, too"
The couple parted ways with a kiss before Killian retreated back into the Queen's bedchamber, a continuous nervousness clawing at his insides.
As he approached the gang once more, he heard the sure and tired voice of Snow White in a large exhale.

"So what should we do next? The sooner we leave this place the better"

"We should find Excalibur, or at least what's left of it. Don't you remember what Merlin told us this morning? He said we need to find the sword in order for him to reforge both the sword and the dagger to create the original Excalibur," Regina said from her place at the side of the bed, her voice sure.

As she hadn't talked in minutes, which was so unlike her, Snow was startled by her friend's speech.

" "We"? Regina I'm not going to put you and our child in danger. That's out of the question," Robin was the next to speak. Forceful, but love could still be heard in his tone.
"Robin I'm not an invalid, I'm pregnant," Regina argued.
Seeing that this was somewhat of an intimate moment between the couple, David decided to speak up.
"I'm gonna get everyone to head over to Granny's. When you're done talking this out, meet us there in about half an hour. There, we'll come up with a plan to break into the castle."

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