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Era: 1965


"Oh John." You moaned as you rode your husband on the couch. He had barely entered the house before you jumped him. You had missed him so much. You hadn't seen him in weeks because he was away on tour. Usually you went on tour with him but you were almost 9 months pregnant and your doctor had advised you not to travel with your due date quickly approaching.

"Ahh fuck i missed you too darling." John groaned as he massaged your breasts that were bouncing in front of his face.

You bounced up and down on his cock faster until you felt a sharp pain in your stomach. You paused. "Shit." You moaned in pain.

John opened his eyes. "Whats wrong y/n?"

"I dont know. I just felt this sharp pain and-AHHH!" You screamed and got off of John. As soon as you did, you heard a pop and gush of water spilled out from between your legs, soaking the couch.

"Holy shit." John exclaimed, wide eyed.

"My water just broke." You gasped.

"Are you serious?" John pulled up his boxers and trousers. "The kid couldnt wait until after we were done shagging?"

"I guess not. Oh god." You whimpered as another painful contraction hit.

"Fuck." John jumped up, helped you with your pants and led you out to the car.

"You better not kill us John." You warned as he got into the drivers side. Your husband was a horrible driver. How he passed the drivers test, you had no idea.

"Ill try not to." John started the car and then you were off to the hospital.


After nine agonizing hours of labour, you finally brought John and yours son into the world a little after 2 in the morning. You two decided to name him John Charles Julian Lennon. John after John of course, Charles after your father who died of cancer a few years ago when you were 17 and Julian after John's mother, Julia.

"Thank you for interrupting our shagging session, little guy. Couldn't wait until I came tsk tsk." John said to the baby. You hit him and shook your head.

You smiled down at your newborn son. "Don't listen to him love. Your daddy is silly. We love you so much little Julian. Thank you for interrupting us."

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