Chapter six - introduction to battle

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"Who are you?! Are you with that jerk Zabuza?!" I asked, angling my kunai to swing for this girl. She was obviously a ninja- she wore one of those Hunter-nin masks that Kakashi-sensei said about- and held herself in a relaxed yet defensive stature.

She chuckled, "Well, you haven't changed at all, Naruto."

I growled, it was so weird hearing this person talk in Charlie's voice! "Who are you?!"

"Oh my God!" the kunoichi finally removed her mask, and familiar yellow eyes frowned at me, apalled. "Naruto, it's me! Charlie?! Man, you're so naive!"

The whole time, she was talking quietly. But I didn't notice at the time. "Ch...Charlie..? But... your hair..."

Her hair was blue. Blue! She sighed, facepalming. "We don't see each other for months, and the first thing you say is to ask me why my hair is blue... what is wrong with you-!" I cut her off, leaping at her. Okay, so I may have overreacted, but I was happy to see her!

"Charlie! Where have you been?!" I demanded, hugging the crap out of her.

"Gah- Naru-to.... can't... breathe..." I quickly let go of her, and grinned sheepishly. She sat back, catching her breath. I would've shouted the others, but.... I wanted my long-lost best friend all to myself for a while.

"I can't stay for long... I have places to be." she said in a low, urgent voice, glancing around with a serious expression. "I just wanted to see how everyone was doing."

That made me feel bad... if she could only stay for a little while, the others would want to see her...

I went to shout for them, but a cold hand quickly covered my mouth. "No... don't shout them... the less people that know I'm here, the better."


"This can be our secret, okay?" she cut me off, then flashed a faint shadow of that old grin she used to wear. I opened my mouth to argue, then huffed a little and closed it. Her yellow eyes met mine, and she smiled a real smile, pulling me into a hug as I yelped in surprise.

"I missed you guys, Naruto..." she mumbled, and I hesitated, before wrapping my arms lightly around her too. She felt thin, as though she hadn't eaten in a while. Frail. I suddenly felt the overwhelming need to protect her.

"Come back to Konoha with us... we should be leaving in a few days. I can tell Kakashi-sensei, he'll help you..." I said, pulling away. She smiled sadly, her eyes deepened with depression.

"Don't worry, Naruto... I will be returning to Konoha with you."

~Charlie's POV~

"Charlie, you need to eat something."

I looked up from my knees, my arms wrapped around them, seemingly holding myself together. Haku's dark eyes were full of concern, and he placed a hand on my shoulder. I cringed away, hiding my face back in my arms. I mumbled out "Not hungry."

I heard a faint sigh, then suddenly my arm was being pulled from my face and held in something warm. "What's gotten into you? You weren't like this before... was it seeing those Konoha ninja?"

Haku appeared calm, but I could tell he was angry. He thought my old friends were to blame...

I went to protest, then stopped. He could always tell when I was lying, so there really was no point. "To a certain extent... seeing them caused me to remember something unpleasant."

My eyes started to burn with unshed tears, and I watched Haku wistfully. He shook his head, the negative emotion seeming to shake away with it. I looked down; his hand completely encased my wrist. And Haku did not have large hands.

Naruto - a Narnia rewrite? (Naruto fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ