Chapter 5

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The little girl slowly walked out of the bushes.

"Who are you?" She asked.

Before I can answer... right above her head was the sign of Apollo, she was the daughter of Apollo.

"What's going on??"

"Really I should be the one asking. What's your name?" I said.

"I'm Ariel. "

"I'm Percy Jackson, but my new name is Alpha. Do you know anything about the Greek and Roman gods?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Mommy use to tell me all the stories before I went to sleep each night. Are they actually real??"

"Yeah, they are and what just happened was that you are claimed by your father Apollo... I'm the son of Poseidon, well I use to be at least. "

"Did your mommy die too?"

I felt myself tear up, the walls that I built up after I saw my mom and Paul killed was breaking down. Before, I knew it I started crying and this little girl hugged me as if she was the older one. She was slightly crying, we were both crying... depending on each other to keep each other happy. The ones we lost, the ones that helped us so much in life were gone and we only had each other and we needed to stick together.
Once we were out of tears...
"Will you always stay with me? "

"I promise. As long as you will be there for me to." I said, hoping that she won't betray me either.

"I pinky promise."

She held out her pinky and I wrapped mine around it.
"I will always be there for you."

"We are living outside in the world therefore, I need to teach you how to fight and to protect yourself when we both run into monsters. We will start tomorrow, I bet your very hungry. What do you want to eat?"

"I want grilled steak and French fries!"

I snapped my fingers and in front of us were 2 plates of delicious looking food.
"Omg! That's so cool, how do do that? "

"I'm adopted by Hestia, so I have control over fire, the hearth, food and am able to heal others."

"I wish I had powers too. Is that why my daddy left and made my mommy die? He doesn't love us right?" Starting to tear up again.

"No of course not, he loves you and your mommy lots its just because of the ancient rules of the Gods that he can't meet you and help until you go to camp. I met your father before and he cares for his children a lot and I bet he would care for you to. So don't be sad."

"Ok," as she sniffles.

She hurriedly ate all her food... it seemed as if she wasn't fed enough.
Her eyes were starting to droop and in a few minutes, she fell asleep. I just hoped that she wouldn't break her promise when she grew older.
"Hello, Percy."

The moment I heard the voice I knew it was my mother.
"Mom, I changed my name it's Alpha."

"Oh, wise choice of name, son. But right now I'm here to warn you about Ariel. She will soon have to open up to you of the things that have happened to her. "

"What do you mean mom? "

"Before you found her trying to fight off the hellhound, she was running away from her dad. She has a dark past. There for, you really need to take care of her, I recommend that you don't take her to Camp Half Blood."

"Why won't you tell me about her past, mom? "

"Its not in my place to tell, she'll tell you when she's ready, in the mean time Apollo is arriving. He has something to say about Ariel to you."

"I'm going to miss you!"

"I'll visit next month like always." She promised.

When she left her place was taken by Apollo.
"Percy, I see that you find one if my daughters. Please take care of her for me, she's much stronger than all of my other kids."

"My names Alpha now... and why is that Apollo?"

"As you know your dad... well ex-dad loved your mom so much. Depending on how much the God loves the mortal also depends on how much power the kid will receive. I loved Ariel's mom, Martha a lot, therefore Ariel will have a lot of power. "

"Oh... I promise that I will take care of Ariel. She's such a sweet kid. "

"Thank you so much! "

Well this is it... until next time Percy." He disappeared with the snap if his fingers.


Looking back I saw Ariel screaming and thrashing around on my bed.
Until next time.

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