Chapter Ⅱ

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≫Harrison's POV≪

I laughed as I walked in the water.
She loves me...and she knows it.
I thought smiling as I then turned around and saw her there smiling.
"C'mon get in the water!" I yelled at her as she then crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head in a 'no'.
I smirked and ran out of the water going to her, she saw me running and she quickly stood up and ran on the sand as I ran behind her laughing.
After a while she got tired and stopped as I stopped right in front of her.
"Please...let" she said panting as I just smirked and quickly carried her bridal style and ran towards the water.
"No Harrison please no the water is cold!" She yelled at me as I laughed and gently let her down so she was standing in the sand the water covering half her stomach.
"See it's at a nice temperature" I said as I slowly started to dive.
Carrie chuckled and then looked at me from the top.
"Wait what are you doing?" She asked as she slowly backed up.
I dived down her and picked her up with her sitting on my shoulder as I laughed and held her from her knees.
She grabbed my hair and laughed too.
"Harrison put me down!" She said between laughter. I slowly dived in again and let her down.
When I came out the water I just saw her smiling.

≫Carrie's POV≪

I looked at him smiling as I then stared at his perfect chest...
"Like what you see?" He asked noticing I was staring at his chest.
"I-I uh..." I looked away as I blushed a dark red and smiled a little.
I could feel little waves crashing against my stomach as I turned around, and he was just inches away from me, I looked up at him since I'm way shorter.
"You know princess" he said lifting my chin up as I looked deep into his perfect hazel eyes..
"I've had this crush on you and I can't take you off my mind" he winked at me as our lips were just inches away.
"Well I also have had to his little crush on you.." I said as I wrapped an arm around his neck and he grabbed me by my waist and pressed his lips against mine softly.
I've waited for this so long
I thought as I wrapped my other arm around his neck and he softly pulled away looking into my eyes and smiling.
"I've been dying for this" he said as he let go of my waist and I from his neck and he held my hand gently.
We smiled at each other and walked back to were we where sitting.

≫Harrison's POV≪

We went to sit down and stayed there for a while until I got bored and went to play with the sand.
"Carrie c'mon, don't be so boring!" I heard her laugh and then she looked at me.
"I don't like's course and rough and it gets everywhere!"(I had to😂😂)
I just laughed at what she said and made a little ball of sand and threw it at her.
"Harrison!" She she said as she stood up and walked to me.
"Don't ever do that again!" She said as she pointed at me.
"Well sit here and play with the sand" I said smiling like a little boy and she just rolled her eyes and smiled while she sat down beside me.
I started to build a 'sandcastle' just that it looked all weird.
"What's that?" Carrie asked as she pointed at it and laughed.
"Uh...a sandcastle?" I said with a laugh too.
She cupped my cheeks and squished them together.
"You're so cute Ford, you know that?" She said teasingly as I removed her hand from my cheeks and held both her hands by her wrists.
"I'm the cute one?" I asked chuckling.
"You're the cute one sweetheart" I said before I crashed our lips together smiling against each other's touch.

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