The beginning

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It was a hot and humid day. I was lying on my bed with all that homework that still wasn't finished but I didn't care. You promised it would just be us today. Our 6th year anniversary being best friends. Since 10, me and you were inseparable.
It's a shame how it all got ruined because of one action.
Anyway back to my boring homework.
Just a few maths questions, not too bad.
I was just trying to pass time anyway.
So, after a few minutes which felt like hours you finally came.
I ran downstairs with a slight smile on my face and put on my shoes.
You were talking to my dad who seemed to adore you.
Until I interrupted.
As my dad backed away, you turned around with that cheesy grin of yours.
An awkward silence occurred between us before I spoke.
"So,are we gonna go or just stand here the whole time?
You broke your gaze from me.
"Oh ,yeah let's go" you said grabbing your keys from your pocket.
I said goodbye to my dad but my mom was asleep. She works as a nurse and comes home quite tired.
So, I grabbed my jacket and headed for your car.

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