Healed, With Love

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"Anders where are you?! Ryla needs help!"
The mage jumped up immediately and ran to Fenris, who was holding Hawke much like a groom would his bride. Except she was limp, her arms dangling while her her head rolled freely.
"What happened?!" Anders growled, gathering Ryla gingerly into his own arms.
"A....a Templar saw her use her magic on a group of bandits. He tried to take her, but when she refused he.. " Fenris pointed a shaking finger at Ryla's midsection.
Looking down Anders saw a pool of blood staining her blue robes. Her face was deathly pale, and sweat soaked her small frame.
Anders began to shake, rage coursing through him. How dare that...that Damned Templar do this to her?!
"And where were you when she was being run through, elf?" Anders asked, ice in his voice. Then he sighed and said "Never mind. There will be time later. Clear off that table for me, quickly. Then gather some water, bandages, and elfroot from my stores. Fenris scowled but did as he was asked. Their bickering could wait.
Anders lay Ryla on the table as gently as he could, and fished out a dagger he always kept tied to his belt. Mage or no, it never hurt to have a backup means of defense. The blood had begun to dry causing her robes to stick to the skin of her stomach. As carefully as possible, Anders cut the bloody cloth away; his knees almost went from under him when he saw the sword wound. It ran deep and left the skin around it mottled green, already the stink of infection wafted. At least the bastard hadn't hit any vital organs. "The templar," Anders looked at Fenris, "did you...?" Fenris snarled at him and said "You are not the only one who cares for her, fool. I struck him down." Anders thought of retorting, but changed his mind and turned back to Hawke.
"Don't you dare even think of leaving me, Ryla." It was a whisper, a small prayer to the Maker to spare the woman he loved.

Ryla's head was pounding behind her closed eyelids, and her stomach felt as though a dragon had breathed fire into it. Warily, she opened one blue eye and found Anders clutching her hand firmly in his, his head resting on her thigh. He looked exhausted as always, and she reached out to ruffle his hair. His golden eyes snapped to her face. Without a word Anders gripped her hand tighter, and crushed his lips to hers. He ran a hand over Ryla's inner thigh, eliciting a shudder. When his tongue prodded her lip, a warmth in her belly that had nothing to do with the stab wound, spread.
"Maker, Ryla," Anders leaned back to take in her face, much to her chagrin. "What were you thinking running off with only that...that elf for protection? You almost died!"
Ryla bit her lip, squirming under his scrutiny. "Fenris had a lead about Danarius. If we'd come back here he may have been gone already. Then we ran into the bandits, and that Maker - forsaken Templar saw me." She finished with a pout, unhappy that he'd gotten the better of her.
"Hang Fenris. I love you, Ryla. I can't be without you. Not now, not ever. Promise me you won't go running off like that again."
This time she kissed him, running her fingers running through his disheveled hair. Anders climbed into the bed with her and Ryla turned gingerly onto her side so his warm chest pressed into her back. "I love you too," she sighed.
Fenris hung back, just out of sight. His hands were clenched tightly to his sides. Why that mage? He wondered to himself. He turned away when he heard the woman he loved moan in delight, and made his way back to the empty mansion he called home.

A fluff one shot with Ryla Hawke and Anders <3 I love this romance, personally in all its sickly sweet glory :D I'm sorry it's been so long guys, I really am trying to get into better writing habits! As always, thank you all for reading and if you have any requests, please feel free to let me know! Please vote if you enjoyed the story :)

Dragon Age belongs to EA/Bioware as do most of the characters (except Ryla) These are done for entertainment only

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