"Darling, you collapsed while exercising," he said in a soothing tone.

Catherine closed her eyes and frowned. She inhaled sharply.

"Are you in pain?" Edward asked.

She gave a small shake of her head and then did not stir for a long time. He wondered if she had slipped under once more. Then she said in a small thin voice, "I think perhaps I am a bit overfatigued. I believe I had too much sun."

He knew he should not press her. She was obviously of ill health. He said instead, "Dr. Rowan will be here shortly to examine you; just rest for now."

She rolled over and away from him. It stung that she would dismiss him in that way. He was worried for her health, but he did not want to intrude if she wished to have privacy. She is not herself; it is not for me to take offense. He was concerned her illness was more serious than she had previously revealed. She seemed so full of vitality when we first married. How could she be declining with such speed? He made his way down the steps in a daze. He would not be able to rest until Dr. Rowan examined her. He went to search out the doctor himself. He reached the bottom of the steps as Dr. Rowan was entering. His cheeks were rosy, indicating he had hurried over. He handed his coat and jacket to Mr. Hobbs, who, after the initial shock of Catherine's collapse, had returned to his usual stoic persona.

Edward rushed to greet the doctor. "Dr. Rowan, thank you for coming so quickly. Catherine collapsed in the shrubbery during her morning exercise!"

"I heard. Your man came around with the carriage and we flew here. Where is she now?" he said, getting straight to business.

"Up this way, please follow me." He led the doctor up the stairs as he had done with Mr. Thorn not long ago. They stopped on the landing outside Catherine's room, and he knocked upon the door. "Catherine, Dr. Rowan is here; may he come in?"

There was a muffled response from inside and the doctor let himself in. Edward followed him in. Catherine sat up in bed as they entered. She looked terrified as her eyes ricocheted between the two of them.

Edward sat on the edge of the bed and took Catherine's hand again. She was stiff to the touch. He felt the tension radiating off her like a fire. He rubbed her knuckles with his thumb to try to lend her some comfort. She curled her fingers in, grabbing the coverlet, making a fist.

"Lady Thornton, I hear you felt faint in the garden. I want to look you over, if you do not mind," Dr. Rowan said as he set his bag down at the edge of the bed and removed his stethoscope.

Catherine regarded the covers as she nodded.

"I'll need you to dress down to your underthings."

She looked up at him, frightened as a forest animal. Her large eyes were dominated by her pupils, which had dilated to nearly leave out the whites.

"Do not worry, darling, I will be right here," Edward said as he slid his hand up her arm to stroke her back.

She jerked her body away and turned her back to him. "I want to be alone with Dr. Rowan," Catherine whispered.

Edward retracted his hand, which he had momentarily left hanging in the air. Dr. Rowan pretended to be looking at his bag to give them privacy. "Catherine... what are you saying? I should be by your side, as your husband." He stood up and came around to the other side of the bed to face her.

"Please?" She looked up and tears were streaking her face.

He could not argue with her, not when she was in such a state. "Very well, but I shall not remove myself from the hall." He let himself out so the doctor could perform the examination.

Heart of Thorns - Nicolette AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now