0.5||im sitting between an old man and a hot boy

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I haven't seen him for years....
It's been three days since Cameron told me he liked me. I literally call him 10 times a day and we have conversations that last hours.
Kath told me he hasn't been with any other girls and even though Im trying to stop it, he makes me happy. Maybe that happiness we share will change when I go to New Jersey with the twins.
"Hey sweetie? We need to go to NJ now!" My mum shouted from downstairs and I grabbed my suitcases and bags and quickly stumbled down.
At the airport
"Okay baby your flight leaves in 5, don't get in any trouble okay? In fact, I'm going to walk out with you," I rolled my eyes and she pushed me through the crowd.
I climbed up the stairs and my mum started to shout.
"DON'T GET INTO TROUBLE WITH THOSE DOLAN BOYS HONEY! BE SAFE, DON'T SMOKE, DON'T DO DRUGS AND USE CONDOMS YOUNG LADY!LOVE YOU BYEE!" She blew me kisses and I started laughing. Oh God the whole plane will have heard.
My face grew a deep shade of red as I walked to my seat.
Oh great! I'm sitting inbetween a hot boy and some old man. You've got to be fucking kidding, how am I supposed to Snapchat any boys?
The old man was snoring and didn't even shift when I sat down. The boy smirked at me while looking up and down at me.
"Wes. Wes Tucker," he grinned and held out his hand. I took it and smiled back.
"Bianca," I smiled again.
I put in one earphone and I noticed he was using his iPad to create music.
We talked for about 10 minutes until we got back to our phones.
He spent the whole journey grinning and playing his music and I snapchatted people.
"Hey, Bianca?" I turned to look at Wes.
"Yeah Tucker?" I asked.
"Could I maybe get your um.." He mumbled.
"Yeah, if its okay and all?" He stuttered again and I nodded.
"Its fine, here," I typed my number into his phone and wrote 'Bianca👸'.
He went back to grinning and the plane started to land.
He held my hand and gripped it tightly.
"Scared?" I laughed.
"Maybe a little?" He winced and then laughed.
"So what school do you go to?"
"New Jersey High, or I'm going there anyway."
"No way me too!"
"Well I'll see you at school Wes!"
"It'll be dope Bianca!"
We both walked off the plane together.
10 minutes later
Wes waved at a big group of people to the right.
"Oh are they your family?" I asked.
"Yeah I should get going, see you at school though yeah?" Wes grinned and squeezed my hand kindly.
"Yeah, see you at school," he walked away towards his family.
I couldn't find Grayson, or Ethan or his mom.
"Shit Grayson where are you?" I mumbled and I looked around me
I jumped as soon as I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Can I help you?" I snapped rudely before looking at the person's face.
"Well.." The boy started and I took a close look at him. Then I looked at the card he was holding.
It said, 'Bianca Clifford : , oh shit that's my name. I was staring at Grayson, Dolan. God he was so much hotter in real life. He was wearing adidas sweatpants and a Nike hoodie. His skin was tanned and his hair was perfectly messy. I realised I was staring when I looked into his dark eyes that were piercing through me.
"Oh my God Grayson I'm so sorry! I thought you were someone else honestly you scared the shit out of me," I was interrupted by Grayson giving me a huge hug, I hugged him back tightly.
"Well Ethan couldn't make it, his girlfriend and him are busy," Grayson sighed and gestured for me to follow him.
"Oh okay, that's fine though I'll get to see him soon I guess."
"So what have you been up to then?"
He asked me.
"Nothing really, just been busy with school and stuff," I mumbled , he made me quite nervous and the deep stare he was giving me was making me feel some sort of way.
"What about you then?"
"Well, I've done a lot of sports, but that's all I really do that's interesting. I do football, wrestling, and lacrosse," he said.
"Wow you must be pretty good," I say while stepping into the car he was leaning against.
"I'm okay," he looked down for a second.
"Any boyfriends? Or girlfriends if that's what you're into," he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and it was cute seeing him this uncomfortable.
"Just broken up actually, 3 years, but I am dating someone right now yeah," I said causally. His hands almost ripped the steering wheel off he was gripping it
"Fuckboy," he said under his breath thinking I couldn't hear.
"And you?" He snapped back into reality and turned his head towards me.
"Well I've dated a couple of girls ."
His hand started to touch my bare thighs and i got goosebumps all over.
"You haven't changed one bit Bianca," he said while his hand reached up higher on my thigh.
I gulped. I couldn't understand the feelings this boy was giving me.
"So you're pretty famous on Vine and Instagram right?" I said to try and change the subject a bit.
It clearly didn't work because his hands were dangerously close to going underneath my shorts.
"Yeah, 3 million on Instagram and I've stopped doing vine now," he said.
"Well that must pay a lot then?" I asked and his hand gripped onto my thigh.
"Yeah, quite a lot," his hand started to rub my thigh and i tensed up.
"Grayson stop" I couldn't take it anymore, I lifted his hand off of my thigh but failed and he grabbed jt tighter.
"I'm just trying to make you feel comfortable babygirl," I knew it! I knew he had called me that on the phone.
"Listen Grayson. This isn't going to happen. I already said, I am dating someone," I rolled my eyes.
"So? He's in LA," he said hopefully.
"Shut up Grayson! I only came here for a favour," I shouted and as soon as he heard me, he pulled up into the side of the road and put on the brakes suddenly.
"Oh babygirl, I'm going to give you so much more than just a favour," he said as he leaned in...

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