Chapter Ten

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Dean rolls away immediately, swallowing the whimper and fumbling into his jeans. Cas just lies there staring slack-jawed and horrified into his mother's wide eyes. The moment lasts an eternity.

"Ms. Milton," Dean finally whispers, anything to stop the hellish silence.

"Not a word from you, Dean Winchester," she spits, tearing her eyes away from Cas to glare daggers at Dean. "From the verybeginning," she pauses, nostrils flaring in anger. "You have been nothing but a bad influence on my son! Now you've got him in here...naked...filthy...rolling around like animals!"

"Mom," Cas shouts, finally standing up, pulling the sheet with him to cover himself.

"I'll deal with you later," she snaps at Cas, her eyes locked firm on Dean as she prepares to start back in on him. "You are nothing but an ignorant animal! Acting as though you don't know better than to pervert my son like this! You're absolutely useless! You are an abomination!" Dean, whittling down under her scrutiny, is not angry; he can't even find it in himself to disagree with her. Instead, he hears them all, all the hundreds of insults thrown at him, people like him, over the years. Winchesters don't tolerate queer. He is six, staring up at his father's alcohol glazed eyes. Gays are what's wrong with the world. He is an elderly man walking down the street with his husband. Queers deserve to die. He is a lesbian girl, staring into the hatedfilled eyes of her mother. Faggots are fucking disgusting.He is back to staring at Cas' mom, heat in his veins and in his bones. He swallows heavily, eyes falling to his bare feet in shame.

"Stop it," Cas hisses, stepping between Dean and his mother. They stare at each other for a long moment, each testing the other's will. "Dean," Cas says finally, eyes still on his mother. "You should go. I'll call you later."

"Cas," Dean starts, but Cas cuts him a look that quickly kills the rest of his argument. "Okay," he murmurs, staring longingly at Cas like he wants to kiss him goodbye, like he wants to take away every pain he's ever felt, but he leaves without another word, picking up the rest of his clothes as he walks away.

"You don't get to talk to him like that," Cas says when he hears the front door shut. His voice is firm, resolute.

"He's nothing! He lets other men use him for sex! And you? You had your penis inside of him? That's abhorrent, Castiel! You know better than that! He'll send you straight to Hell!" His mother's face is the color of a tomato. Anna is standing in the doorway with tears in her eyes, and Cas is back to yelling in his mother's face.

"I love him!"

"Love? This isn't love! It's sodomy!"

"How would you know? You've never loved anything in your life!"

"I love my children! I loved your father!"

"Look how that turned out," Cas sneers with a snort. "He's gone, and your son's fucking another man." His mother's face is so contorted with anger that he shouldn't be so surprised when her hand slams out across his cheek, snapping his head to the side hard enough for him to taste blood. "Hit me all you want," Cas mutters after the shock and the pain subside enough for him to speak. "It doesn't matter. I'll still love him. I'll still let him fuck me." She is stunned silent. She has no words, nothing but wide eyes telling him that he did something right.

"I'll deal with this myself," she says eventually, turning on her heel and stomping off towards the front door. Cas watches her for a long moment, half of him jutting his chin up and refusing to give her the reaction she clearly wants.

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