Chapter Six

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They do indeed find a place that's more private. Granted, it's Benny's bedroom, which, thanks to Benny's recent streak of acting out, has had the lock removed. Dean will thank him later for letting them borrow his room and then bitch at him a little for being a rebellious shit and getting his lock taken away.

They barely get the door shut before Dean is slipping his shirt over his head and reeling Cas to him, lips parted and seeking. It doesn't take long for Dean to get Cas' shirt matching his, that being elsewhere; however, he does take a moment to strip Cas of his shoes, open the door, and slip a sock over the handle, because fuck yeah, this room is occupied. When the door shuts back, Dean is once again on Cas, pushing their bodies together and swallowing the moans Cas lets out.

Dean walks them backward towards the bed until Cas is sitting down and Dean's leaning over him. Cas doesn't break the kiss as he leans back, pulling Dean until he's hovering over him, arms bracketing Cas' body. Dean runs his hands along Cas' sides, taking a moment to pull away from his mouth and suck at his pulse point, lick into the hollow of his throat, nip along his shoulder, before pushing his lips back against Cas'.

"Dean," Cas moans, one hand unraveling from Dean's hair to fly down to his ass, bringing their hips grinding together against the delicious friction. "Dean, I want you so fucking bad," Cas whimpers, bringing his hips up to meet the push of Dean's.

Dean is ready for this. He really is. They've been fooling around for over a month now, and it's gotten to the point where he can't even have sex with his girlfriend without Cas popping into his head. He can't even jerk himself off without wishing that Cas were there, and it shocks him to realize he wants Cas inside him.

"Cas, I want you to fuck me," Dean says into Cas' mouth, nudging Cas' knees apart with one of his own and pressing hard against the bulge he finds there. Cas groans, be it from the word or the knee.

"I-I would love nothing—ah!—nothing more than to fuck you," he bites out, panting as Dean sucks hickey after hickey into his neck.

"Then what's stopping you?" Dean growls, pushing against Cas' straining dick once again, his own reaching a crisis point. He removes one of his hands from Cas' chaotic hair to sit back, unzip, and take it in hand. Cas' lips part hungrily at the sight of Dean's swollen and leaking cock, even going so far as to lick his lips before he speaks, his eyes still on Dean's penis.

"You...bottoming...I don't want to hurt you, Dean," Cas chokes out finally, his eyes flicking away from Dean's dick to look at his face. Dean is ready to resist. He is ready to assure Cas that he could never hurt him, but something in Cas' eyes tells Dean that this is about more than just that. He gets the feeling that there is something else, something important, so Dean swallows down his pride and kisses Cas softly.

"Whatever you want," Dean allows, falling onto his side next to Castiel instead straddling over him. Dean stops the slow pull on his dick to wrap an easy arm around Cas' middle and pull him close.

"I want to give you the best blow job of your life," Cas says, leaning forward and kissing Dean sloppily until he is laying on his back, Cas' tongue leaving hot trails across all the good places between his mouth and his dick.

"I would not be opposed to that," Dean chokes out, folding his arms behind his head to keep from wrapping his fingers into Cas' hair and fucking up into his mouth. He takes in a deep, calming breath before Cas' lips are around Dean's dick, sucking relentlessly with little laps again and again against his head. Dean groans, bringing a hand over to cover his eyes. Cas hums contentedly around Dean's prick, his hand working in perfect time at the base, occasionally slipping lower to fondle his balls. Cas never touches his hole though, and Dean cannot honestly say that he isn't disappointed about that fact. "Holy fuck, Cas," he groans, finally giving up and slapping a hand into Cas' hair.

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