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(b/f/n) - best friend name
(o/n) - owner name
(y/n) - your name

It's been a few weeks since you met Frosty over the internet dating website and you two have been talking almost 24/7 everyday since.

(B/f/n) has been teasing you non-stop too, she says that your 'boyfriend' better not hurt you or else. Or that your 'boyfriend' better be good to you.

Yesterday, Frosty asked you to go to his favourite ice cream shop, which is also your favourite ice cream shop, weird right?

Anyway, you were already running late because of another incident involving your mother. Nothing unusual.

You hope Frosty hasn't left the shop yet even if you were five minutes late. He may think you're trying to stand him up. Or ditch him. Or just plain out make fun of him.

You walk into the ice cream shop, and stuff both hands into your pockets as you walk in.

You don't know what Frosty looks like, how will you find him?

(O/n) waves hello from the counter, and you return with a smile. She greets you with a hug and of course you hug her back.

"How have you been?" She chirps.

"Good, good. You didn't happen to see a boy around my age come in a few minutes ago did you?"

"Yes actually!" She points to the booth near the back right corner of the store. "He took a booth back there. Is he a friend or..?"

You laugh awkwardly, "I'll see you later (o/n)."

(O/n) shakes your head playfully and heads back to the counter. You see him, but he has his back to you, so he doesn't see you staring.

Deep breathes, deep breathes..

"Hi, I'm (y/n), or (u/n). Are you Frosty.?" You say, walking in front of the booth.

"Greeting (y/n). I am Frosty, my friends came up with the name if you could not tell," the boy looks at you, and you finally get to see his face.

You didn't expect him to be that dang cute.

"You name is actually Frosty?" You ask, taking a seat right in front of him.

He gives a small laugh. "Of course not. My name is Zane."

"I like that name," you state. He looks awfully familiar. And the name Zane sounds like a name you know.

"Thank you, (y/n). Would you like me to buy you an ice cream?" He asks politely.

You nod, and gave a grateful smile. "I have some money in my pocket if--"

"No no please. Is it not kind for the male to buy the female something?"

"Oh it's kind enough! I just don't want to be a bother.." You wave your hands. "It's very kind."

"I promise you it is no bother," he says kindly. He really is sweet and polite.

"Thank you Zane. I'll take a vanilla cone if that's alright."

"Vanilla is my favourite as well."

He walks away towards (o/n) and you huff out in relief. Stop being so weird (y/n)! You exclaim in your head.

Maybe you're developing a small crush on Zane..

Ninjago Boyfriends {UNDER EDITING}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt