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I was walking down the isle and I looked down with a smile. It was like a fairy tale. I got to the end of the isle and father gave me away. We said our I dos and we had the wedding party. We went home and we had a good time but that morning he left before I woke up. A few days later I found out I was pregnant. I was so happy for him to come home. 2 months later I heard a knock at the door. There was a man there he was wearing a uniform like his. "Mrs. West, I regret to inform you that your husband died in battle". He said. I felt tears roll down my cheeks and I saw that they were bringing him in the house I saw the coffin and opened it I cried so hard. "No no it can't be, Charlie". I said through the tears. "This has to be a dream". I said. "I'm so sorry ma'am". He said. "Oh my god why I told him not to but..just why". I said.
*The funeral*
"He wasn't just my husband, he was my best friend, I've known him since I could remember, I thought he was annoying when I first met him. I remember when we we're 9, we were all relaxing at the pool at my parents' house the boys we're swimming and Zarina, Vanessa, Tyler and I were hanging by the pool and we were talking , and I noticed that Charlie was out of the pool and I felt someone pick me and he threw me into the pool.  I was laughing when I rose to the surface and his brothers Jack and Billy picked up Vanessa and Zarina and threw them into the pool and Vyald and Garroth both grabbed Tyler and threw her into the pool". I said pausing to wipe away a tear. "God I loved him I still do and I wish he was still here". I said. "I remember when I was being bullied at school and he always told me every thing will be ok. Those were the last words I heard him say. I was crying out of fear. He kissed my forehead and said. 'Don't worry Gabby I love you and everything will be ok'. Those are the words he put in every letter he wrote to me. I miss him. So very badly". I cried. "He was a good man, husband, friend, brother, and son to the ones he loved". I said and walked off stage.

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