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Sooo this is the form. Hopefully people who have stumbled here and decided to fill out this form actually like my trailers rather than obliviously seeking publicity because my style might not be your style.


Book Name:

Cast [optional]:
Character Descriptions [necessary]:
Character Personalities [necessary]:
Colour Scheme [optional]:
Theme [necessary]:
Music [optional]:


I think that's all but I may update it.

1) No more than one submission a week (each).

2) Don't chase me. I'll PM you if I accept your trailer.

3) For three days after I post your trailer you have the chance to request amendments. After that, the trailer is permanent.

4) Sometimes I'll have to take 'creative license' with your cast for the occasional scene. If you have a problem with that, don't request a trailer from me.

5) I'm not about to read your story to get the gist for the trailer. If you have an idea put it in the 'Suggestions' section.

6) All trailers will be posted on my (Horsenerd's) YouTube page. The title of your book and your Wattpad name will be in the trailer as well as a link to your story.

7) If overwhelmed with work, I may close requests but hopefully they will open not long after.

8) Questions can be asked all throughout the book.

Thank you :)

Wattpad Trailers - ON HOLD -Where stories live. Discover now