Chapter Sixty-nine:

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When the end credits began to roll up the screen, Spike aimed the remote at the television and shut it off.

Hel sat upright from her slouching position on the couch, stretching her back and legs.

He glanced sidelong at her, his head leaning against the cushions. "Want to get out of here? I don't know how much longer I can stand being cooped up in this house before I go completely bonkers."

"Do you have something in mind?" She inquired, rising to her feet.

"I've heard there's a new Irish pub in town, and I've been meaning to check it out." He suggested, standing.

"Very well, then. It's a date."

Spike raised his eyebrows and gave her a little smirk.

A flush of heat rose in her cheeks. "I—I mean, not a date." She corrected herself hastily. "Oh, you know what I mean." She rolled her eyes. "Shut up."

"Whatever you say, luv." He chuckled, shoving his feet into his black leather boots — one at a time — and lacing them up.

Hel followed Spike into the front foyer, and he held the door open, gesturing for her to proceed first. Descending the porch steps, they rounded the bend in the path and strode side by side down the sidewalk.

The full moon cast ribbons of silver across the asphalt road. It was the only source of illumination amongst the murky darkness of night, aside from the street lamps dotting either side.

"The deep and lovely dark..." She mused aloud, arms enfolding her abdomen. "We'd never see the stars without it."

He smiled softly at her, and they lapsed into comfortable silence.

Ten minutes into their midnight stroll, they passed by the Public Library and she came to an abrupt halt. Becoming sidetracked, she approached the front entrance.

It was an impressive structure, three-storeys of stacked stone blocks and large, imposing window panes. Reaching for the brass handle, Hel gave a shove. The heavy oak doors rattled on their hinges, but didn't budge. She knelt on the pavement in front of it, facing the key hole and closing her eyes. The lock clicked open.

She stood, swung open the door on the right hand side, and stepped over the threshold. When he didn't immediately follow, she glanced at him from over her shoulder. Her face was pure white beneath the ghostly pale of the moon. "Are you coming or not?"

He raised his eyebrows at her. "Breaking and entering?"

Hel smirked. "It's just a bit of fun. Besides, what did I break?"

An incredulous smile broke across his face. "You're just one surprise after another."

Her mismatching pair of silver and green eyes glimmered with mischief. "Well, it was locked. How's a girl supposed to resist?" She spun back around and strode purposefully into the library.

Intrigued by the prospect of an adventure, especially one of the illegal variety, Spike decided he may as well tag along. Following her inside, he shut the door quietly behind him. He trailed along behind her as she rounded the corner and passed by the front desk, meandering aimlessly into one of the many narrow aisles nestled between towering rows upon rows of bookcases.

The entire interior was cloaked in darkness, permitting only the vague outlines of objects to be visible to the naked eye. With the exception of a hollow silence, they appeared to be alone. A sense of anticipation lingered patiently in the air.

Suddenly, they were startled by a loud thumping noise, and stopped dead in their tracks. It shattered the quietude, resonating throughout the empty library, then was extinguished.

She faced him, eyebrows raised.

Arching a dark eyebrow, he held her gaze. "Spooky." Spike jested softly. "Wonder if it's haunted?"

In response, Hel allowed a small smile to grace her lips. "I'm rather fond of ghosts and spirits. It's the living that tick me off."

Turning, she ran her index finger along the brink of the shelf in front of her while strolling further down the aisle. Then, she pivoted to lean her back against the bookcase.

He sauntered towards her, biting his lip slightly as he drank in the sight of her. His eyes raked down the full length of her body from head to toe and back up again. Loose curls of jet black hair in juxtaposition with porcelain white skin. Long, lean legs and a slender figure. A true goddess if he ever saw one.

Hel glanced over and caught him staring. Oh, that infamous swagger of his. Each stride more arrogant than the last. In lethal combination with his devilish blue eyes, it was enough to make a girl forget herself.

Coming to her senses, she furrowed her brow. "What are you staring at?"

Tilting his head ever-so slightly to one side, he studied her with deliberate sensuality. His lips curved. There was a heated look in his eyes, a devious glimmer of desire that made her weak in the knees. "You." He replied huskily.


He inched closer to her. "I can't stop thinking about you. It's been driving me mad."

The close proximity of their faces was unnerving. She recalled what Dawn said earlier, her heart hammering in her chest. The air was tense, charged, sizzling between their bodies. It was primal, intuitive. Electric. Enthralling. She couldn't bring herself to deny its presence any longer.

"Why are saying this?" Hel asked quietly.

"Because I feel it." His gaze darted to her enticing mouth, lingering on her lips as her tongue ran along them nervously. He wondered if they would feel as soft as they look, should he gather courage enough to investigate the matter further.

Her hands clutched the shelf behind her. "Feel what?"

His eyes, a captivating slate blue, searched hers for answers to the many questions that tormented his every waking moment. "I can't explain it." Spike leaned forward, as if he intended to kiss her. His eyes were heavy, his lips ever-so slightly parted.

She opened her mouth. Closed it. She raised her face to his, beckoning him closer. Her hands quivered at her sides, anticipating his touch.

"God, you're so beautiful." He breathed, mesmerised by her.

In a momentary lapse of judgement, she stood on tiptoe and boldly pressed her lips to his.

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