I opened my eyes and looked ahead reluctantly, only to see Lexa stood in front of Jade's dead body, the latter's blood covering her sword and dripping onto the ground. Lexa seemed to realise what had happened as she glanced at the sword in her hand before looking up, her eyes instantly meeting mine.

When I looked into them, it was as if the crowd and the cheering and Titus' announcement had faded away, and the only thing remaining was Lexa and I. Her eyes were cold, harsh, void of emotion. And that's when I knew why the commander's were all the same. Why they all held no emotion, love, or weakness.

Lexa's reign had practically begun. 


I remembered Lexa's promise of remaining the same person whenever I had my doubts. Whenever she would do or act in a way that made me worry that she was changing. This only happened rarely, near the start of her reign, and this was because her job as Commander had been keeping her busy.

Looking after all twelve clans was a tough job, and I knew that. I could only imagine how much pressure she had, but she wasn't alone. She had people to confide in, and she had me. But I don't think she realised that because whenever she was working and I tried to help, she would snap and order me to leave. And I couldn't exactly ignore her because she was the Commander and I was her people, meaning I had to obey.

We barely spent time together anymore because of our jobs, which meant that whenever I did see her, she was busy. Her expression remained void of any emotion, and her eyes were as cold-looking as ice, their soft, inviting aspect seeming to have disappeared into thin air. The Lexa I fell in love with was slowly leaving, yet I clung to the idea of her still being there, underneath the vengeful persona she had put up. 

"Can I please talk to her?" I asked as soon as I was face to face with the guard that was stood outside Lexa's chambers. I had been waiting all day for him to clear so I could see her, but I should have known better than to think that the warriors guarding the Commander would get distracted.

"Even when not directly talking to your commander, you will still address her as Commander or Heda," he said in a gruff voice, straightening up his stance as if to appear even more intimidating, though I was only growing impatient.

"She's my girlfriend," I stated without a care in the world. "I know what to call her."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "And what's that?"

I crossed my arms across my chest and contained my anger. "Mine."

He didn't seem satisfied with my response as he shoved me back forcefully, causing me to fall onto my backside. I looked up at him and glared as he smirked slightly.

"Em's your heda en nothing mo. Nau bants (She's your Commander and nothing more. Now leave)," he snarled out, placing his hand on his sword that was currently sheathed, but I knew that if I didn't leave now, it wouldn't be for long.

Knowing I wouldn't be able to go in without Lexa actually knowing of my presence, I did something that could have possible resulted with me being sent to the healer's tent.


Screaming my girlfriend's name at the top of my lungs was certainly one way to get her attention, and also one way of turning into a shish-kebab. As soon as Lexa's name left my lips, the guard's eyes widened and he eventually focused them on me, before unsheathing his sword, ready to strike.

You're Mine | a Lexa/You Short Story Where stories live. Discover now