Chapter 5 : Another Ciphers

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◇ Thursday 6:47 PM
Your House, Bedroom ◇

( Your P.O.V )

You were inside your room and your body lay down on your bed. All you did is keep on examining the yellow flower that you've found. Your Uncle and you three cousins are out for a 'manly lesson' and Wendy needed to work at the Shack so your alone with your thoughts. You just want to know your memories more often and solve this amnesia problems. You toss and turn, never letting go of the rose's sight that was on your bed cabinet.


Then a knock came, you sit up straightly and have a cobfused look plastered on your friends. It was odd that you have visitors nore often so your curiousity made you put on a (f/c) hoodie and go downstairs. You went to the door and twisted a doorknob, revealing two men. One was a blue haired guy, he have innocent blue eyes that looks teary, he have a blue suit that looks a identical like Bill's. The other one has a reddish brown haired guy, he have a black vest that was button up and have a white and stripped shirt with long sleeves. He did wore a black pair of jeans and some dress shoes, also the strange thing is that he have unusual red eyes.

"Uhh . . . Hello? Do I know you two?" You asked, secretly trying to reach for something for defense.

"Of course you know us! Its me Kill Cipher and thats my brother Will Cipher." The red eyed guy exclaimed in a foreign tone.

"Cipher? Are you guys related to Bill . . . Cipher?" You asked

"Y-Yes." Will stuttered shyly.

"Oh ok, I guess. But why are you guys doing here?" You said.

"Well dear, me and Will have something vvvvery important to tell you, (Y/n)." Kill said with a serious tone.

Meanwhile Will looked down with sad, sympathy and confused clouding in this eyes that you haven't notice.

"Oh, ok. We can talk outside, sorry but my uncle doesn't want 'tresspassers' in the lumber house." You explained.

"Sure, that would be nice." Kill said.

You take out some keys and close the door behind you as you sat on a log while the two brothers sit down. You also did offer them some orange juice, too.

"So what important are you guys going to tell me?" You said and sip your orange juice.

"W-Well, you s-s-see, (Y/n). Its a-about our b-brother." Will quietly explained and his eyes are a bit watery.

"You mean Bill? Why?" You grew interested.

"Its jjjjjust that, he can be a vvvery good man but he's dangerous." Kill warned.

"Dangerous? Is this some kind of a joke? He's my friend and I know he's not." You defended

"We knew you wont believvvve us at first but me and Will are worried about your safety." Kill looked at you with worried eyes.

"I appreciate that but I'm sorry that I dont believe you two. I know Bill isn't dangerous. I trusted him." You smile at the word trust.

"Yes, yes, my brother Bill is a vvvvery good person. Jjjjjjust be warned, little one." Kill said.

"W-When you h-h-have trouble, p-please dont h-hesitate to call u-us." Will timidly smile at you.

"Thank you Will. Thats very sweet of you." You smiled at him sweetly.

You cant help but feel a bit dissapointed that two who seems good and kind told thought Bill is dangerous. Even Will is the sweetest among the two of them, Kill seems to be a foreign gentlemen. But you did trust Bill, he's your friend that you have certain feelings toward him.

"I guess thats our warning for you, we may go now. Goodbye, (Y/n)." Kill excused.

But before he could leave, you grab his wrist. "Wait." You called

Will and Kill notice you as you let his wrist go. "Before you guys go, could you atleast tell me something about myself when I haven't forget my memories a while back?" You asked politely.

"Of course, (Y/n)." Kill smiled and sit down.

"Y-Y-You were a . . . a g-great person. Your b-b-brave and have a a g-good heart." Will explained

"Indeed, you certainly have a great heart. You did often come with Bill and you two seems so close. Whenevvvver Bill is busy, you came to me or Will. Thats all I could say." Kill added.

"But how about you explain why you think of Bill as a dangerous person?" You asked.

" . . ." Kill and Will were silent and its like they dont know which words are they going to tell or explain to you. They both looked at each other's eye before Kill cleared his throat.

"I suggest that it isn't the best time to tell you right now. You havvvvve a lot of things to catch up. Farewell." Kill stood up and Will did the same.

"Fine. Thanks again, Kill and Will." You smiled.

"No problem." Kill smiled

"S-Sorry." Will muttered before they walk away from you.

A sudden wave of boredom soon wash to you. You actually got bored recently when the two left, it was a boring day after all. You sighed and stood up and decided to just watch some TV.

( Kill's P.O.V )

As soon as we left dear (Y/n), me and Will went deeper in the woods where no one will find us. I sighed and felt pity for the little girl. She was too blind to see what Bill have done to her life before her memories have banished. Bill is a good person but I know I shouldn't trust him again of what he have done.

"Kill, I told you its not a good time to tell her." Will mumbled, too shy to scold at me.

"I know, Will but I'm worried about (Y/n), who knows what Bill might do to her." I sighed

"Yes but lets just look out for her. But Bill . . . I wish he have a good reason of what he done to her." Will said.

"I know its hard but let our hopes stay still for the future cost." I smiled

Ok, how are you guys liking at my OC Kill Cipher, I dont own the media but I own the name and his personality.

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