Chapter 2

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Rick faintly hears the bell ring as he looks down at his schedule. First hour is Chemistry in room 104. He turns around to see where he is and find the room only a couple doors down. He puts his schedule in his bag and rushes to walk in. As he walks in he looks up to see everyone, including the teacher, staring at him.

"Uh. Hi?" He mutters awkwardly as his classmates giggle. He looks up and sees Kate, who is trying to hide her smirk in her hand. 

"Hello, Mr. Rodgers. Glad you could join us," The teacher says sarcastically. "Please, take an open seat so I can begin."

Rick looks around the room to find an unoccupied space and finds one behind Kate. He sighs in relief and trudges over.


"Hi." Kate whispers back shyly.

Rick smirks a little and sits in his seat. He can't help up stare at her, Kate. She really is gorgeous. He didn't really get to appreciate it when he fell on top of her this morning. Yeah, good job, Rick. Way to make a fool of yourself on your first day. He rolls his eyes at himself and goes back to focusing on Kate. She has really pretty hair too. Like, really pretty. It's all light brown and has a really nice curl to it. He wants to touch it and know what it's like to move his hands through it when—

"Mr. Rodgers!" the teacher yells.

Rick snaps out of his little daydream and looks at the teacher with wide, unblinking eyes.

"Yes- what- I'm sorry... What were you saying?" Rick says completely confused. Kate chuckles lightly into her hand with her face turned downward.

"Huh, you think that's funny, do you Miss Beckett? Well fine. Detention for both of you then!" Mr. Adams snaps.

"Wait- no, sir. It wasn't Kate's fault. Don't give her detention because of me..." Rick pleads, glancing at Kate who is no longer giggling and looking downward still. But Mr. Adams continues on like Rick hasn't even spoken.

"After school, my room, until I tell you you can leave," And with that, Mr. Adams walks back to his desk just in time for the bell to ring. "Ah... Well, class, since Mr. Rodgers took up most of our time, no homework tonight, but expect some for tomorrow. Have a good day."

The class files out and Kate stands to join them. Rick gathers his things as quickly as he can and jogs to catch up with Kate.

"Hey, I'm really sorry I got you into trouble. I totally understand if you hate me and don't want to talk to me ever again and completely–"

"Rick," Kate says while she laughs. "It's no big deal, okay? I don't hate you. I got myself into trouble. Mr. Adams is a hard ass anyway. Never lets anyone have fun. But, hey, at least we'll have each other during detention."

Rick lets out a sound of relief that makes Kate laugh. He loves her laugh.

"Where are you heading to next?"

"Oh. Umm... one second." He searches for his schedule in his bag until he pulls it out and sees that he has history.

"Mm, I have math this period but it looks like we both have study hall and lunch together after so I'll see you then okay?" Kate says while rushing off to her class.

"See you in study hall!" Rick shouts down the hall to her and then turns around to move towards history. The day may have started off a little rough, but Rick thinks that as long as he has Kate around, everything will turn out just fine.

Okay, guys. Second chapter. I don't want to rush them getting together but we all know that they will sometime so don't worry. Vote and comment, let me know what you think or give me some suggestions about what should happen in the following chapters. Thank you!

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