Eldon and Michelle

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Michelle ran, she felt embarrassed and defeated, she knew how much Eldon cared for Thalia and she knew that her chance was done. She wanted to hide, and found solace in the dark crooks of studio B. She sat there comfortably as she reflected in everything that had happened to her for the past three years. She was the new girl, a new friend and enemy, she she fell in love then lost everything, she danced for her self but her parents had broken and now she was trying to redeem it all. She laid with her head against the wall, enjoying the peace until the door opened. "Michelle, Michelle it's me." Eldon called into the darkness, he sighed when he got no response, "Marco" he called, smiling.

Shaking her head she replied, "Polo." The lights then turned on and he walked around the couch and found her sitting in the corner behind the it, gently he moved it and sat beside her. They stared at one another, not knowing what to say, finally he cracked and pulled her in, engulfing her scent. "I missed you." She mumbled into his shoulder.

"Me too." He replied, "Me too." He then broke away and stared back into her big doleful eyes. "Were you really in love with me"? He asked breaking the silence.

Sighing she replied, "Yeah, back when I was young and stupid." Giggling she nudged his shoulder and he smiled. "You were my first love and nothing would ever change that. But it's all over now, you've moved on and have Thalia."

Eldon tensed at the sound of her name and looked back at Michelle. "I loved you too, you know. I thought I loved Emily but it wasn't how it was when I was with you and Thalia well it was different but it wasn't right." He sighed putting his hands on hers. "Do you remember our duet? The one we performed at Regionals." She smiled at him and nodded.

"That was one of my favourites." She replied, "Are we going down memory lane now too"? Eldon smiled and nodded. He stood up and took her hand, pulled out his phone and soon the rhythm of "Inside Out" began to serenade the room. She stood shocked for a second, it was just as beautiful as three years ago. Soon the rhythm took hold of them, they danced kind hearted and in love, like they were supposed to have but it wasn't forced then and it wasn't forced now. During the lift they laughed, remembering Riley's rendition. At they end, well he held her closer than he had before but she turned away before they could have kissed. "I'm sorry, I can't. What about Thalia"? She turned away, blinking away the tears. Eldon turned her towards him and hugged her again.

"I've never not been an awkward person, especially when it came to girls. I was stupid to let you go, and it always haunted me. I think Thalia knew, and I did really like her but you were always there. When she went to Poland we lost touch and last I heard she was dating Bartek." Eldon explained, Michelle's heart broke for him, as they seemed like the perfect couple, but could it be real, did she always hold his heart as much as he held hers. "I know it's crazy, but I always thought you moved on so I tried to too. But now I can't let anything stand in our way. Michelle you've always been with me and I can't get you away. Do you want to be stupid and young again, and have me"? She giggled at his comment, although they weren't together for those three years, they were a team and they were always there for one another. They ended up being partners in dances and they just had this chemistry that clicked, it was powerful to her and to everyone that watched.

"Eldon, we've always been like Romeo and Juliet. There was always something that would come between us when we wanted to be with one another. I'm scared, I'm sorry but I'm scared that it won't work out again and that we'd end up giving up." She replied meekly, she wanted this but she felt like everything would hold her back. He held her hands and looked into her eyes, his eyes big, blue and determined.

"We've matured, we've grown and nothing will get in out way because we'll always find a way to be with one another. Promise." He stated, not backing down he was determined. They were one of a kind and he could not let her go again. Eldon shakily moved his hands and cupped her heart shaped face, he felt the soft blonde locks caress his hands and he was just inches away. They felt one another's breath, their hearts pounded to the point where they felt it in their ears, and slowly they moved in. Once their lips touched, the universe seemed right again, as their could moulded with one another, their love would be eternal and would beat anything. Breaking the kiss, Eldom rested his forehead on Michelle's, breathing steadily.

"Promise" she breathes smiling, he pulled her close and again all the stars aligned, they were reunited. Nothing would ever break them again, as love is something that can not be broken easily, it's one of those things that can tear you into a billion pieces but can also make you whole again. Their hearts were mended and weaved with one another. "I love you." She whispered.

Eldon squeezed her even tighter, "I love you too."

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