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Disclaimer; I don't own the Percy Jackson series.

*Recap of what happened last time;*

"Oh,and I'm an Amazon. Your mother was one too." She smiled sadly.


*End of Recap*

May stared at me blankly. "You didn't know?"

"What do you think?!"

She smiled uneasily. "No...?"

I threw my arms up in dismay. "I'm so done. 100% percent done!"

I grabbed our stuff off the pavement and stomped past May.

"Wait! Don't you want to know more about the stuff your Mother never told you?!"

I stopped in my tracks. "How many more secrets has she been keeping from us?"

"A whole hidden world."

I could basically hear my heart shattering. I barely even really knew her. Didn't she trust us? My vision had gone blurry from a number of tears I was holding back. The rain seemed to get heavier and harsher. The wind began to pick up, spooking the pegasi.

"Georgia!" May shouted.

"What?" I replied bitterly.

"Go get your brother. Now. We're leaving." Her commanding voice shocked me. It also made me almost wet my pants in fear of why she sounded so urgent. I ran up the steps and up to the back door. I flung the door and nearly knocked Alexander over.

"Why are you in such a hurry Georgie?" He asked. (obviously very confuzzled.) I didn't reply, I just grabbed his left hand with my right and half-dragged half-shoved him out the door. The cold wind sent shivers down my spine. I tried to sprint to the chariot, but the wind pushed me back.

"Georgia! You're acting weird! What is happening?" My brother shouted over the wind.

"I don't really know!" I shouted back. I fought against the wind, pulling us allow with the help of the metal railing along the stairs. The pegasi had their wings level and were neighing nervously. My brother's eyes widen in shock.

"Get in or both of you are really likely to die!" May shouted from the reigns.

"You sound like a kidnapper serial killer; but whatever!" I shouted back.

I tugged Alexander with me as I climbed into the back of the chariot. I shoved Alexander down as I held onto the side like our live's depended on it, (They kinda do.) as May snapped the reigns. The pegasi galloped on the pavement, the wings still level until they reached the end of the driveway. The tilted their wings upward as the rose into the sky, the chariot trailing behind. I tighten my hold onto Alexander and the side of the chariot, fearing we would plummet into the sidewalk in a fiery ball of death. Honestly; these things need seat belts or at least a back to keep you from falling. They were at least were a little bit safe on the ground but in the air? That's basically a death wish! I glanced at my brother. His mouth was open in a silent scream, his usual naturally mocha skin was paler than usual and his eyes were full of pure, raw, human fear. I mentally face-palmed. He was afraid of heights. How could I forget? I gripped his shoulder reassuringly. He looked like he was going to faint. He hugged my abdomen, his grip like iron, and buried his face in my side. I had a really bad feeling. The wind and rain were coming even harder. My left hand hurt from the way I was gripping the chariot. I fidgeted nervously. My eyes darted around frantically. My eyes zeroed onto a silhouette in about 15 feet away. Lightning flashed around distantly.


"What is it Georgia?"

"What is that?" I said shakily.

May followed my gaze. "Oh no. It found us."

"What is 'It'?!"

"It's an Anemoi Thuellai! We can't allow it to catch up to us!"

"What happens if it does?"

"We all are going to die!"

"I could do without that."

"This is not the time for wisecracks, sarcasm or your attitude!"

"There's always time for that."

"Just shut up and keep you and your brother from falling!"

I rolled my eyes. What did she think I was doing? Doing cartwheels? Dangling Alexander of the chariot? I narrowed my eyes at the Aninomi Thu-something. It looked like a boy with black cloud wings. I could also see from the distance that it had eyes crackling with electricity. Wow. We're screwed. A funnel cloud formed around its feet(?). The cloud funnel seemed to move with the Aninomi Thu-something as it pointed towards us. Crap.

"May! The Aninomi Thu-something is doing something!"

"Anemoi Thuellai! What's it doing- ah Hades no."

The Aniemoi Thulai accelerated towards us. It reached out one smoky hand and ripped Alexander from my grasp and tried to fly away with him.


I jumped at the little cloud demon, grabbing its ankles and looked it straight in the lightning eyes as my brother shrieked in terror.


"Or what?" It asked in a deep rumbly distorted voice.

I lite my hands into a blazing blue fire. It shrieked in pain and released Alexander. I reached out and pulled Alexander into me as we fell to our doom. At least I could protect him so he could survive the fall. I already lost mom, I'm not going to lose you too. I closed my eyes as I felt the wind whipped beneath me as I waited for the impacted. 

Whirlwind of FuryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя