Chapter 11 ( Getting Ready )

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Mia's Pov: I'm gonna be with Weston all week. OMG!!! But I'll be with Ben. He said he wanted to take me to Florida so we're going on our plane at 6:00. Whenever Ben is ready to come to Weston's house we're going to eat then pack. Then here comes Orlando. I'm so ready!!

Ben: I'm home from school!!
Mia: Ben go pack your clothes!! We're going to Orlando.
Ben: Really?!?!
Mia: Yes!! Me and Weston are packing right now. And once your done go to Weston's house.
Ben: But Mia wait!! I have a baseball game.
Mia: Shit. I forgot. Are you able to cancel or something?!?!
Ben: No I can't, but I don't have to be there the whole game since I'm new.
Mia: Okay, I'm done packing. Once your done, go to Weston's house. We're eating there and also going to make a YouTube video there.
Ben: Okay I'll be there in 10 minutes or less.

At Weston's House

Weston: Mia!! Where's Ben?!?!
Mia: He's still packing!! He's on his way. And I totally forgot he had baseball today we have to go but not for the whole game.
Weston: Okay me and you will sit in the cabin then. Also Mario, Loren, and Nick are coming.
Mia: Nick Bean?
Weston: Yeah.
Ben: I'm here!!!
Ben: Okay...?
Mia: I'm done I'll go in the bathroom and get ready. * Mia runs into the bathroom *
Ben: She's always wanting to look pretty.
Weston: Ben, she just doesn't realize how beautiful she is yet.
Ben: I know right!!! Whenever her hair is a little messy she would go in the bathroom and do it. And if she had one pimple she wouldn't go to school.
Weston: Woah, what was school like for you in Georgia?
Ben: Mia had about 4 best friends, which was 3 girls and 1 boy. Abbie, Olivia, Lauren, Thomas, and Mia herself.
Weston: Tell me more.
Ben: Lauren and Mia were legit best friends, they did everything they could together. Abbie was the girl Mia always went to whenever she needed advice. Olivia, was just one of the hottest girls I've ever seen, with her blonde hair and brown eyes. And Thomas is Mia's ex boyfriend. They broke up because of long distance.
Weston: Okay now tell me about you.
Ben: I was dating Mia's friend Olivia. That's pretty much it.
Weston: This is gonna make me feel a little weird, but talk about Thomas.
Ben: Oh my gosh Thomas, we were like brothers. And Thomas also dated Lauren so that's that. They've gotten all over each other.
Mia: Okay I'm back.
Weston: Great! Let's shoot the video.
Mia: Yay!


Mia: Hi everyone!!! It's me Mia.xo
Ben: And me, Ben.
Mia: We have a special guest with us today!!! His name is!!!
Weston: WESTON KOURY!!!!
Mia: He's gonna be filming for me today, so make sure you subscribe to him.
Ben: The First Question to me says what is Mia's biggest fear. I think it's spiders because she's been girly for her whole life.
Mia: No it's not my # 1 fear, but since it's # 2 I'll give you a point.
Ben: Yes!!!
Mia: First question to me says if Ben was stuck on a deserted island what top 3 things would he bring. This is such a tough question!! He said this to me 3 months ago, he said water, Olivia, and a whole grocery store filled with food.
Ben: Correct.
Mia: Weston, wanna answer a question for us? Whoever gets it wrong, gets water dumped over their head.
Weston: Hehe ok.
Mia: The first question for WESTON to answer about Ben. It says when is Ben's birthday.
Ben: I hate talking about this, so he's obviously not gonna know all he knows is that I'm 13.
Weston: OH MAH GOD IM SO SCARED. Just give me a month please.
Ben: September.
Weston: Ehh, September 18th?
Ben: Nope. You get water poured on your head.
Weston: Wait... When is it then?!?!
Ben: September 2nd.
* Mia pours water over Weston *
Weston: AHH MIA!!! That's so freaking cold.
Mia: I'll let you do it to me.
Weston: Yay!!
Ben: The first question for WESTON to answer about Mia. It says what is Mia's favorite movie.
Weston: How old is your movie?
Mia: About 10 years.
Weston: Ahh I know this!!! High School Musical!!!
Mia: Correct. Now go pour cold water over me 😂.
Weston: Kk.
* Mia gets poured with cold water *
Mia: Haha, well this is gonna be it for the video see you all next week.
* Camera turns off *

Ben's Baseball Game

Weston: Mario!! What's going on?
Mario: Nothing much, how bout you.
Weston: Good, me Mia and Ben were just filming a video.
Mario: Who's Ben?
Weston: Mia's little brother.
Mario: Oh ok.
Mia: Weston I'm going to go in the cabin if you wanna come.
Weston: Wait Mia, there's someone I want you to meet. She'll be here in a minute. I'll go in the cabin with you right now.

Hehe, I'm gonna start making my chapters a bit longer compared to how long I usually make them.

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