Chapter 8 ( Wednesday )

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Mia: Umm... You ok Weston?
Weston: Huh? Oh yeah, I'm doing fine.
Mia: Okay, do you need help with something?
Weston: Which room is yours and which one is Ben's? Please answer, I've been staring up there for like 5 minutes 😂.
Mia: Left is mine and right is Ben's 😂😂.
Weston: Oh ok. Anyways, can we go inside?
Mia: Yeah, sure.

      In Mia's Bedroom Together

Weston: So Mia...
Mia: Yeah..?
Weston: What do you want to start our project about?
Mia: Wait who can we do again?
Weston: We have to do it about a famous person who is dead Mia.
Mia: Okay, umm maybe Steve Jobs, because without him my phone wouldn't be here.
Weston: Okay.
Mia: Weston...
Weston: Yes, Mia.
Mia: Are you mad at me?
Weston: No, of course not. Mia, why would I be mad at you.
Mia: I don't know, you just weren't acting the way you usually act.
Weston: Well Mia, if I'm not in a good mood. Don't think it's because of you, because it's not. You don't know what's going on in my life.
Mia: True, I'm sorry Weston.
Weston: It's ok.
Mia: Anyways, how much information do we need about Steve Jobs.
Weston: We need 10 facts by tomorrow.
Mia: Okay, well we've only got a half hour so let me think.
Weston: Mia, you said he invented the iPhone. Maybe we can go to a website to find out.

                10 facts later

Weston's Pov: I don't know why Mia thought I was mad at her. She knows I really like her. But she doesn't know I love her more than anything else in the world. Maybe that's what I need to tell her. This is my chance. I'm going to tell her what she means to me.

Weston: Mia..?
Mia: Yes, Weston.
Weston: I love you.
Mia: Huh?
Weston: I love you more then anything else in the world. Your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You don't understand how much you really mean to me.
Mia: Aww, I love you too Weston more then anything.

Weston's Pov: I told Mia how I felt about her. She said she felt the same way and then she kissed me. I guess dreams do come true.

Mia's Pov: That was just super shocking. All of a sudden Weston tells me how he feels about me which made my love increase a lot with him. So I told him I love him more then anything because I do. Then I suddenly kissed him. It wasn't what I expected to happen. But I was happy. Then I said " Weston, I think you need to go. " and I was stroking his hair. Weston's really cute and I love him. Then he left with the sheet and said bye. Then Ben walked in my bedroom.

Ben: Mia???
Mia: Yes, Ben.
Ben: What..Just..Happened?!?!
Mia: I kissed Weston.
Ben: Ah, I see. Mia had her first kiss with Weston Koury.
Mia: I guess she did.
Ben: Well anyways, Mia I'm ready to go to baseball. Come in the car with the 3 of us.
Mia: Okay.

             An Hour Later

U- Are you Mia Jackson?
Mia: Yes, why...
U- Come with me please.
Mia- But I need to watch my brother. He's playing baseball.
U- Ms. Jackson! You need to come with me right now.
Mia: Fine.

Mia's Pov: I'm terrified now, someone I've never seen before just came up to me and took me away from my family. They look like their bringing me to an abandoned cabin.

U- Okay Mia, just go in here with me. I have someone here who wants to see you.
Mia: But who are you?!?!?!
U- Oh sorry, let me remove my hood..
Mia: Oh my gosh!!! ...

Well, I'm getting more reads then I expected so I'm going to keep making chapters for this fanfiction.

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