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Once you had gotten back on the ship, Zuko and Iroh celebrated with a feast to celebrate you coming back. Right in the middle of it, June came. Her shirshu started sniffing around while destroying everything on the ship. She found a stowaway and then greeted you.

"YN!" June exclaimed.

"Hey bitch!" You said and wrapped her in a hug.

"Still got that tattoo I gave you?" A few years back you saw June and now you have matching tattoos except yours is on your ankle.

"Tattoos never fade June." You said.

"Well I'd love to stay and chat but I gotta get my money." After she said that she put the guy in her saddle and left.

"Whatta woman." Iroh said

"Oh my gosh Iroh!" You playfully scolded.

Time skip brought to you by Momo's tail

"I don't know. YN should I help the boy find his girlfriend?" June asked after hopping on her shirshu. You cringed at the girlfriend part.

"It's not the girl we're looking for. It's the avatar we're looking for." You answered.

"Why not the apprentice? She's more powerful anyways." June said.

"I am the apprentice." You said looking down.

"Nice." June said "Okay. I'll help you."

You held Kataras necklace up to the shirsus face and he started running. The shirshu first brought us to an old woman, which I dont ever remember being there. Next it took us to the village Aunt Wu lives at. She predicted that you would marry a powerful man. You didn't believe in that stuff anyways. After that the shirshu found Katara and Sokka.

"Yn?" Katara said.

"I assumed Aang all ready told you everything." You said with an apologetic smile. After that Katara and Sokka started running back and they brought us to an abbey you hopped off the shirshu immediately. You stumbled on the ground a bit but then ran off to stop Zuko. Which was really you just running after him yelling "Zuko stop!"

When Aang and Zuko were fighting at the wishing well and Aang got Kataras necklace back, the shirshu got you with his tongue, you fell and Zuko went to catch you but then the shirshu got Zuko with the tongue but he landed on top of you. You smelled perfume and you assumed that's why the shirshu was going crazy.

"June!" Iroh shouted. You looked to your right and you saw June and Iroh fall.

"I didn't see you get hit by the tongue." Zuko said to Iroh

"Shhhh" Iroh said. June opened her eyes in annoyance. June recovered quicker than the rest of you and went ahead and left. You and Zuko however were stuck the way you were.

"You and Zuko looked comfortable." Iroh chuckled.

"Not another word about that" you and Zuko said at the same time. Zuko was definitely bigger than you. You especially realized that when Zuko was on top of you.

You were starting to get some feeling back in your arms so you pushed Zuko off and he landed on his face.

"Gee thanks" Zuko deadpanned. You used some earth bending to turn him over on his back.

"Your welcome." You said. You two sat there for a while. Iroh was back at the ship making tea. He said for you guys to come to the ship once you could move again. Then he winked. You rolled your eyes. You and Zuko kinda just chatted for a while. Chatting about Ozai, about the apprentice, about Mai, about your relationship which didn't really exist yet. You regained feeling in all parts of your body. You helped Zuko up.

"Thanks" He said.

"No pro-" Before you could finish he wrapped you up in a hug and then kissed your forehead.

"I just wanted to do that before we got back to the ship." He said. You guys walked back to the ship with his arm around you.

"I see you guys had fun." Iroh chuckled. You rolled your eyes and walked off too room.

So, I guess that's it for this chapter. I'll update sometime this weekend.

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