Chapter Seven Returning To Brakebills and Escaping Fillory

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'A week had gone by since Quentin, Eliot and I escaped from Fillory, we had not seen or heard from the knife maker or his family. So it was pretty much back to normal. I was helping Alice settle into my room, Margo across the room, watching Alice and I struggle with the boxes...' "You could help us a little, Margo." I said "Damn, didn't think that you would notice I was here." Margo said picking up a box "Alice, it's so great that we're getting a new roommate. We'll need another girl to help me pick up the slack." I said "Morning, ladies." Eliot said "Hey, Eliot." Margo said "Hi... Eliot." I said "What's up?" Alice asked "I need to borrow Victoria, for just a few minutes." Eliot said "She's helping me unpack. Can't this wait?" Alice asked "Alice, I'll be back. Margo, take over." I said, following Eliot to the outside of the room closing the door behind me "Okay, what do you need me for, Eliot?" I asked "Not here. We need to go to the common area." Eliot said "Okay, we can go. Let's just make this quick." I said "Alright. You know I actually noticed you looking at me back at Fillory.. So what does this mean... For us?" Eliot asked "It means-- Erin is one of my best friends and she's the one who has feelings for you, and I can't hurt Quentin.. I appreciate you saving my ass from that knife maker and his crazed nephew. At least they won't find us here. I really have to go, Eliot." I said, pulling away "Victoria, meet me out in the courtyard after everyone goes to bed." Eliot said "I don't know if I can, Eliot.. I--" I stopped "Victoria, I have to know. I love you, and I need to know your choice; I know that you have strong feelings for Quentin, but I know you have equally strong feelings for me, too. Find me by the tree." Eliot said as he suddenly disappeared "Damn, Eliot. I hate when you do that." I said through my teeth as I bumped into Quentin "Victoria.. What are you doing out here?" Quentin asked "Eliot was just here. But he disappeared. I just can't shake the feeling I have about that knife maker and his creepy rapist looking nephew. I still feel dirty." I said "Go back inside. I'm right behind you." Quentin said 'I start walking toward the school, when I vanish into thin air, Quentin turns around to find me gone...' "Eliot! Victoria!" Quentin called out "Quentin, what happened?" Erin asked "Eliot and Victoria, they disappeared. Victoria, she was headed for the school I go to catch up to her and she was gone." Quentin said 'About a day and a half later, I snap awake, laying in my underwear in a dark cold damp cell, Eliot chained across from me, unconscious.' "Eliot, you need to wake up. Dammit, Eliot! Get up!" I said, throwing a throw cushion at him "Jesus, did you have to whip it at me-- What the hell are we doing back in Fillory?" Eliot said "I was about to ask you the same thing, genius." I said "The wedding will commence tomorrow at sunset. Make sure that my bride is ready, uncle. I don't want her dawdling." Silas said "Oh, damn. If we don't get out of here, I will gnaw off my hands at the wrists." I said "That's a deal-breaker." Eliot said "Well, look on the bright side; Silas can't put a ring on me if his bride doesn't have any hands." I said "Did they drag us here against our will?" Eliot asked "That's why they grabbed you, as leverage. So that I would end up married to his nephew to spare your life, and that's when I was grabbed before Quentin could stop them from taking me... The question is how the hell are we going to escape?" I said "That window, over there. As soon as they unlock you, grab the keys, unlock my shackles, then we make a break for the window." Eliot said 'I had focused on the shackles, until the latches broke open, I fell to the ground, to my feet..' "Victoria, how in the hell did you--?" Eliot froze "I don't know... Stay still." I said focusing my energies on Eliot's shackles 'We had then made it to the window, breaking the glass and levitating out we had them disappeared into a small portal leading back to Brakebills...'

~End of Chapter 7~

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