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Voices and chattering could be heard from the large manor, as well as the delicate music that was being played in the background. Walking up to the building, (Name) followed her parents footsteps. The area around the building was illuminated from the light which had been sifted through the windows. Rubbing her arms nervously, she slowly made her way along with her parents to the front door.
                                                           "Are you exited, (Name)?" (Name) looked at her mother, who queried her. "Not really, I don't really like parties." Her mother smiled. "I meant about seeing Edward again." (Name) paused, then spoke once again. "You could say so." Her parents smiled at her response, and giggled under their breath. They soon all entered the building and headed towards the party hall, people in flamboyant and posh dress passing them slowly.

Entering the room, (Name) gaped at the decorations. The chandelier above their heads reflected the golden light beautifully, and reached every corner effortlessly. A piano stood in the centre of the hall, along with other figures holding countless instruments. The music echoed flawlessly, and lulled everyone happily. Gazing across the room, (Name) realized the quantity of people, and nervously walked in between the crowd.
                                                          "(Name)!" Turning her head to where her name was being called from, she caught sight of Lizzy, her signature blonde curls bouncing as she ran. Behind her, stood a boy with striking black hair, and an eyepatch covering up his right eye, which (Name) assumed was a bright blue, like his matching left one.
                                "You came!" Looking down, (Name) looked at Lizzy, and saw the pink, frilly dress that adorned her.
                                            "Well, I didn't really have a choice." Lizzy frowned at her response. "Where you not looking forward to seeing me?"
                                                                      "I wasn't feeling uneasiness about it." At those words, another grin grew on Lizzy's face. She soon turned towards the black haired boy behind her, and grabbed his arm lovingly.
                                                                 "This is my fiance, Ciel~" A scowl grew on Ciel's face, and (Name) giggled slightly at their interaction.
       "Elizabeth, please let go of me." Tears started growing in her eyes. "B-But Ciel! And call me Lizzy!" Tears started falling down her face, and Ciel became flustered. Suddenly (Name) felt a deadly presence.
                                                                       "CIEL!" Turning her head, (Name) caught sight of her fiance, with an angry expression of his face. Running towards the boy, Edward grabbed Ciel's collar and started shaking him about.
                                                           "CIEL HOW DARE YOU MAKE MY PRECIOUS SISTER CRY!" As Edward went on, (Name) began to feel agitated. The (h/c) haired girl poked his shoulder, he snapped his head back to face the girl. His angry expression softened at his fiance, and his grip loosened at Cie's collar, leaving him exhausted.
                   "(Name)..." "She's stopped crying, look." Turning her gaze, the girl gestured Edward to Lizzy, who was in the middle of a conversation with Paula. Edward proceeded to let go of Ciel fully, who after rubbing his sore neck walked off to his butler. The blonde placed a hand on his neck apologetically, and chuckled softly.
                                  "Sorry, It's kind of an instinct..." (Name) giggled at his response, which caused him to smile. Looking down at his fiance's attire, a blush glazed Edward's cheeks.
                         "You look beautiful today." "You too." They both smiled in silence. Edward started looking around, him blushing quite suddenly.
                                        "Have you seen what some people are wearing tonight?" (Name) tilted her head in confusion, and Edward's face reddened even more.
                  "Women should learn to cover up instead of being indecent."  The blonde suddenly felt a flick on his forehead. Looking down, He saw his fiance with a stoic expression on her face.
                          "Just cause you are attracted to it, doesn't mean you have to call it wrong." Blushing even more, Edward puffed his cheeks out and folded his arms.
                "I-I'm not attracted to something like that..." Edward became flustered and averted his eyes from the girl in front of him, to which she let out a small giggle at her fiance's reaction.

As the music carried on playing, the swaying mood that had been brought by it had started to be drowned out by the voices of the ball-goers. The footsteps of the dancers also echoed around the room, making the atmosphere dull.
(Name) felt herself tire at the amount to chatting and dancing that she had been dragged into against her own notion. She had spent a few moments with Edward, but due to the openness of the dancing, she had been tucked away. Later on after a few minutes of struggling, (Name) stumbled her way towards the side of the room, where she found a sitting Edward. Glancing up, the blonde caught sight of her and smiled.
                     "Hey." Stumbling towards him, (Name) smiled weakly. "You alright there?" "Not really, parties are exhausting."  Edward chuckled.
                                  "I can take you to my room if you want." (Name) glanced up at him and blushed. After a moment, Edward soon realized what his words implied. He suddenly became flustered and reddened.
                                   "I-I didn't mean like that! I just meant so we could chat a bit..." "Okay.." After a pause, Edward cleared his throat, he gently took (Name)'s hand.
                                                     "Shall we go then?" The girl nodded in response, and started walking in sync with her fiance.  They made their way towards a hallway that detached itself from the ballroom and lengthened out. They continued walking slowly, making quick glances at each other, their hands not budging a part even slightly. The two of them made their way up a flight of stairs and continued walking down another hallway, passing maids or guests every so often. Edward soon stopped abruptly, causing (Name) to lose her footing slightly, though managing to catch herself on Edward's back.
                             "Sorry, you alright?" Nodding at his words, Edward proceeded to open the door and head into the room. Looking up (Name) gazed at his room. The bed was king sized and looked comfortable. The fabrics were beautiful, and evidently hand stitched.

(Name) abruptly felt an unpleasant cold wash over her hand as she realized the warmth of Edward's was gone. Looking towards the male, she watched him walk towards the middle of the room and turn to face a painting, to which she followed. Standing beside him (Name) followed his gaze towards the painting. The picture depicted a blonde man with a large build, and in his hand laid a sword. Next to the man stood a light-brown woman. She wore a long, flowing dress, and wore a confident smile on her face, as well as carrying a novel in her hands.
                     "Those are my grandparents." (Name) turned her gaze towards Edward, whilst his locked onto the painting. "They were the best duo in all of England. My grandmother was one of the most intelligent people of all England, and my grandfather was a prodigy with a sword, an amazing knight." He turned his head towards his fiance and gave a large smile.
                                     "I aspire to be like him someday." Widening her eyes, (Name) spoke. "I suppose that would make me your grandmother." Edward chuckled. "I suppose that would." The two smiled at each other.
                               "Oh wait." Edward grabbed (Name)'s hand once again, returning the heat between them. "Let me show you something." He started taking (Name) towards the light source in his room, the balcony. Opening the door that detached it from the main part, he walked through along with (Name), her eyes widening at the view.
                                                       "Beautiful isn't it?" The garden on the ground in front of them glistened. The light from the moon reflected of the flowers and trees, as well as the ponds, tinting everything blue delicately. The slow running water refracted the rays into all sorts of directions, and the light seeping through the windows of the mansion.
           "Yeah, it truly is.." Changing her view to Edward, she noticed the glimmer in his eyes as they centred on the garden. Stepping forward, (Name) reached out to Edward's chin and brought it down to her own face. All of a sudden, a wave of warmth hit them both as they felt their lips collide, the music of the ball being heard in the  distance. Their lips moved together calmly, though they shortly broke apart. (Name) faced down.
                                       "Sorry, I felt I  had to do that." The girl soon felt her fingers being entangled into another hand. "Don't be." The girl then felt her face being pulled up, and a pair of lips connecting with her's. Edward held the back of (Name)'s head gently, deepening the kiss. Their lips moved harmoniously, as did the music.

Their lips soon parted, though a feeling of warmth lingered in both of them.
                "I love you, Edward." "I love you too, (Name)."

As long as I have your strength,  I'll use it not to be a damsel in distress, but to be a knight in shining armour, standing right there beside you.

Strength (Edward Midford x Reader - Kuroshitsuji)Where stories live. Discover now