Chapter 6 Memories

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Bonnie's POV
As I woke up I couldn't remember any thing that happened besides for being murdered along with my friends. And then the marionette put us in these animatronic suits. I think I am Bonnie the bunny.

Freddy's POV
All I remember is being murdered and loosing my brother then me and my friends were put inside animatronic suits. I think I am Freddy Fazbear.

Foxy's POV
All I remember is being with me friends then getting murdered. Then we were put inside animatronic suit by this puppet thing. I think I be Foxy the pirate fox.

Chica's POV
All I remember is going to this secret room then being murdered. Then the puppet thing put us inside animatronic suits. All of a sudden I hear this fox say "I think the puppet thing gave all of us life."

Goldie's POV
When I woke up I had a huge headache I only remember... Crying then I think Marionette was comforting me. I was looking for my brother and friends. But I Nevers found them the last thing I remember is being murdered by purple guy...

Sorry this chapter was sorta short I didn't sleep at all last night and it is 5 in the morning. Until next time my children


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