I get temporarily adopted by an Amazon

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Disclaimer;I don't own the Percy Jackson series.

A/N; Plz don't be a jerk. Dis is my first Fanfiction.

My day had started off good. Woke up, got dressed in a Black shirt with a galaxy Fairy Tail emblem, ripped denim jeans, DC brand shoes. Grabbed a sharpie, the house keys, my yearbook, my lunch and my phone. Put it in a messenger bag with stuff I had in there for emergencies and when I was bored. Brushed my teeth, brushed my somewhat curly black-brown hair. Put on my shoes and jacket. Ate some toast, then walked to West New York Middle School. My mom had already left, taking my brother to school than probably going to her job. (She worked at Amazon.) I arrived at school, waited in the cafeteria with my friends, waiting for the last day of school (*cough* Prison *cough*) to began. I was so ready for summer! We had the usual gist of the last day of school; long assembly for the eighth graders, every period was like a chaotic study hall, signing things, plotting with your friends, pranking people for the heck of it. It flew by; until my sixth period.

"Can Georgia Heraz please come to the office?" *Click*

My English teacher, Mrs. Deimo looked at me expectantly. I ignored her and continued drawing the fanart of Mikasa I had been drawing before the announcement. My best friend, Zia poked me in between the shoulder blade from behind.

"What did you do this time?" She hissed.

"Idk," I replied calmly.

"You should go to the office then!"

Mrs. Deimo cleared her throat. "Miss Heraz, I believe you should head to the office as Miss Flecther suggested. I sighed exasperated. I gathered my stuff in my messenger bag, glared at Zia before turning to the door and walking to the office. I walked in calm. The secretary gave me a sympathetic look as I walked in.

"Go on into the Principal Dent's office. "

I walked past her and stepped into Principal Dent's office. He was sitting in a swivel chair behind his mahogany desk. My brother was on one of the small couches sobbing hysterically. One of my Mom's work friends rubbing his back comforting, her Amazon uniform still on, her golden brown hair pulled into a loose braid. She looked about 17. I looked out the window. It was pouring with chunks of hail despite how sunny it has been earlier.

"Ah, Georgia. I'm afraid I have some bad news." Principal Dent started.

I stopped him there. "Lemme guess, Summer was outlawed by a time-traveling evil wizard."

Principal Dent blinked at me. He then allowed a small sad smile.

"I'm sure you would rather have that then what actually happened. Your Mother is dead. Died in a car crash due to the weather."

My blood ran cold. "C'mon, you're just pulling my leg right? RIGHT?" I shouted. I stifled a sob. "She's still alive right...?"

Principal Dent shook his head slowly. "I'm afraid I'm not. Sorry for your-"

I cut him off. "Don't give me any of that crap! You're just pitying me! Come on Alexander!" I shouted taking my brother, grabbing his hand and dragging him out with me.

"Wait; Georgia! Alexander!" My Mom's work friend called after us.

I stopped and turned around to face her. "What do you want?!" I snarled. Her face softened. Her cerulean blue eyes shining with sadness.

"You and your brother are staying with me until the Foster Care contacts one of your surviving relatives. We'll drop by your guy's house to get some of your things; Ok?"

"Ok." I turned to Alexander. He was only seven and already he lost his Mother. I forced a smile for him.

"Want a piggyback ride, Alexander?" I asked. He was still sobbing silently but nodded. I bent down, letting him climb onto my back. He wrapped his arms around my neck, I put my hands underneath his thighs. His tears were already soaking into my shirt, but I didn't care. I turned to my Mom's work friend expectancy. She turned and walked out of the office. I followed her with Alexander on my back out the front doors, into the parking lot, and into a two-seat-only car. I looked skeptically at her.

"This is your car?"

She nodded. I didn't say anything further though as I slipped into the front seat and put Alexander on my lap and buckled us in. I could've sworn I saw the two-seat car glimmer like it was a mirage, though.

"My name is May Samson by the way."

We drove to Me and Alexander's house in silence. When we arrived, I only got they stuff I needed with very little stuff I wanted. I folded my clothes and packed my toiletries, and grabbed some snacks. I packed it neatly into my messenger bag. I began to pack Alexander's things knowing he probably didn't do it yet. I finished packing his stuff, putting it in a dark green colored backpack. I sighed and stood up from the wood floor. I went into Alexander's room, only to see him sprawled out on his bed, passed out. He probably got dehydrated from crying so much. I nudge his shoulder. He muttered something in response, turning so his back was to me. I sighed. I yanked the pillow from underneath his head. I backed up until I was on the wall. I took a running start. I catapulted onto Alexander's bed landing my knees on his back. He woke up with a jolt, I slammed the pillow into his face smashing it in into his face.


Alexander struggled underneath me, flailing his arms trying to reach out to me. I released him from my hold. He breathed in big gulps of air.

"You're gonna drink some water and go to the bathroom, mister!"

He sighed and got off his bed. I mocked his sigh and stood up and went back to get our packed items. I grabbed them and went out of our back door into the driveway. I began to load our stuff into the trunk, the rain soaking into my hair and shirt.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you."

I turned around to face May.

"Why's that?"

Her facial expression went from calm to shocked. "You can't see through the Mist yet?"

"The what?"

May snapped her fingers. Her car became distorted and twisted. The car changed into a chariot hooked up to two pegasi. FLIPPIN PEGASI. One had a gray coat and the other one had a caramel coat.

"GAH!" I dropped me and my brother's stuff on the pavement and flew behind May.

"Wha-what happened to your car?!?!"

"I never had a car. I own a chariot. I just bent the mist to make it seem like I was driving a car so the mortals in the area wouldn't freak out. Oh, and you and your brother of course."

I slowly approached the chariot.

"...What are you?"

She smiled broadly. "Daughter of Hecate; Greek goddess of Magic, sorcery, witchcraft, crossroads, trivial knowledge, necromancy and the Mist."

My mouth flew open.

"Oh,and I'm an Amazon. Your mother was one too." She smiled sadly.


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