IcePack: Thunder

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Name: Thunder

Appearance: Thick, pure black fur, which grows shaggier in the winter to protect him from the cold. As a cub, his eyes were bright amber, but gradually faded to a pale topaz as he grew older. A scar cuts through his right hind leg from a battle two seasons ago. Long grey claws offset his black paws to match his slightly yellowed teeth.

DoB: The 13th day of the 6th moon, three seasons ago [13th June 2008]

Rank: Alpha Male of the IcePack

Mate: Lightning of the IcePack

Mother: Cloud of the IcePack

Father: Claws of the IcePack

Cubs: Yin and Yang of the IcePack

Siblings: Viper and Dawn of the IcePack

Apprentice: None


Thunder had a normal cubhood, growing up with his to-be mate Lightning. As soon as they were born the two were meant for each other, and started going everywhere together. When the last few moons of their apprenticeships came, Thunder left for the Green Forest packs to finish his Fighter training. After spending three moons with the ValleyPack, he returned to the IcePack to take his rank as a fighter. He was liked by everywolf, and it was soon easy to see that he would become the Alpha Male, with Lightning at his side. He took over from Flame when he was just over a season old.

Seven moons later, the Water packs declared war on the White Forest packs. The four corners of wolf packs split into two - the White and Green Forest packs working together, and the Water and Marsh packs working together - and so the fighting began. A lot of lives were lost, and Thunder acquired a large scar down his right hind leg. The battle was forever remembered as the Battle of the Elements.

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