Chapter 5

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A/N: This chapter will have a lot of talking dialog in it.

Barry's POV

This city was truly beautiful. Even some of the less beautiful areas seemed to gain beauty by watching Naldo be my tour guide.

"This is my old elementary school." Naldo smiled, point over to a small building with a playground on both sides. The sign read "Marcum Elementary School". He basically toured me the entire city, much bigger than I thought.

"So you've grown up here?" I asked, trying to start small talk.

"All my life." he half smiled, I noticed ourselves walking through the park. Naldo looked nervously at my hand and lead me to a nearby bench. "Wanna know something fun I do, to get to know a person?"

"Which is?"

"'Let's play 21 questions." I nodded.

"How old are you?" he asked.

"I am 16 years young. How old are you?"

"Recently turned 17."

The questions started out easy. Innocent questions to learn one's favorite color and all. But as more questions were asked, we were deeper in conversation than I had intended. But I was so lost in his eyes.

"Barry, what were your first thoughts on me?" Naldo asked eagerly.

"The first time I saw you, you were mysterious and chill. You surfed and this huge smile. I knew there is so much about you, just waiting to be known. Like a book waiting to be read, so much to discover with you. Maybe I'll have the opportunity the more we talk." I replied.

"That's very deep." he laughed, smiling.

"What is your sexuality?" I blurted out, "I mean we've asked everything else."

He looked a little nervous, "Hopefully this won't make you be weird around me, but I'm gay." The calmness in his voice made me feel comforted. 

"That would never change a thing. I have a brother who is gay, and another who is transgender. I have an amazing family." I soothed him.

"What about you?"

I started sweating a little bit, heart sped up. It never really occurred to me what my sexuality was. I wasn't one to date, I just existed. I've never truly fell for someone, or loved anyone in a truly intimate way. I didn't have an answer for this simple question. 

"I truly don't know. I've never been one to catch feelings." I answered honestly. I'd be lying if I said that Naldo's smiled didn't fade for a few seconds after my answer.

Naldo and I talked on that park bench for a couple more hours. Enough to watch the sky fall dark, and the city light up. We both agreed to meet up to find Ace and Cyd, it was getting late. But my first night here was memorable.

"It was great hanging out with you Ace, can't wait to do it again sometime." Cyd smiled and gave Ace a hug.

"Hope we can hang out more too." Naldo laughing and hugged me, longer than I expected. Something in my stomach tingled a bit, perhaps I was getting ill.

Ace and I said our final goodbyes, until tomorrow and proceeded to walk the rest of the block home by ourselves. It was a quiet walk, we both were happy. It was a great night.

Don't Forget Me  (Narry) ~ON HOLD~Where stories live. Discover now