Chapter 2: The Other Side of Esp

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"Slay WHAT?" I asked, thinking I was going crazy and hearing things wrong.

"Did you not hear me? I said slay dragons! Is there something wrong with that?" Ocheeva responded.

"Dragons. Why would you want to slay dragons?' I inquired in a rude voice.

"Why, I'm the dragonborn of course!" Ocheeva replied happily.

My eyes widened as I repeated the word, "Dragonborn..."

As soon as I whispered the word, I felt it again. This crappy curse that befell me when I became the guardian of the grimiores. Unfortunately, I must explain what will happen so you understand. Okay, so sure, yeah, I get awesome grimiores that have the greatest of magics, but like any magic, it has a price. The grimiores I carry take away my sanity for a while, making me like a completely different person. And of course, knowing my super great luck, it happens again.

My eyes turned into slits barely visible. An eerie smile crept on my face, and I stared evilly at Ocheeva.

"Are you alright?" Ocheeva asked in a worried tone.

I said nothing. I just kept staring, and begun to laugh psychotically yet quietly.

"Um, Esp? You're starting to creep me out..."

"Hahahaha! You're going to die!" I exclaimed.

"If you're gonna act like a twisted creepiziod, go ahead. I'll just beat it out of you!" Ocheeva yelled as she pulled out her sword.

I pulled out my sword and grimiore. And so, the fight between allies began. Blades crossed. Blood spilled. The fight seemed eternal. Things got interesting when...

"Unrelenting force!" Ocheeva shouted.

"Hellfire!" I exclaimed in a psychotic tone.

Our magics clashed into one another, causing a massive explosion. We both fell to the ground. Smoke darker than black covered the area, making it impossible to see. I used eye of night to see through it and walked up to Ocheeva, blade up to her throat.

"Did you know..." I began. Ocheeva tried to look up at me for naught. "...That only the strong survive?" Ocheeva tried to speak, but only coughed up blood. I turned to face the darkness, continuing, "The strong survive, leaving the weak to die. They die quickly, for their worthless bodies can not take the cold being brought upon them." I turned and looked down at Ocheeva. "So tell me...what catagory to you fall under?" I looked to the sky and said,"If you are weak, remain where you lay and die. If you are strong, come. Come face me. Show me your strength! Show me the power of your ambition!"

Ocheeva struggled to stand up, and even to speak, but replied, "It's not about strength to survive..." She looked at me, directly in the eyes. "It's about your will to survive! If you do not believe, you shall fall. If you believe in yourself, you shall emerge victorious!" She slashed me with all of her power as she spoke the words, slicing me across the face.

"Ugh....crap..." I muttered as I fell.

Ocheeva looked up to see whatever she could through the smoke.

"A storm is brewing..." She said quietly as she picked up my unconsious body and looked for shelter.

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