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|16| Niall Horan |

I wanted to watch a film with her while I sat closer to her. We were doing so good together but then she said, "I'm actually sort of tired. May I turn in for the night?" I didn't argue and let her have her way. It was only seven and I'd be lonely for the rest of the night. It's not like I haven't gone through them all my life but I wanted things to be different.

I walked her to her room and tucked her into bed. She begged me not to lock the door but I had too, I just had to. I'm afraid that she'll leave me.

After I close the door I walk to my room. I don't let anyone in my room because it's a private place for me. I shut the door and lock it before undressing out of my shoes, jeans and plopping onto my bed.

It becomes a night of nightmares.

"I bet his parents can't even afford to buy him new clothes...That's why he looks like a beggar...Little beggar boy Niall...Did you hear that his parents got a divorce?...Probably because of him...He's such an idiot and his family hates him...Oh look he's crying!...Oh my God he's wetting his pants-"

"No, no, stop! You'll all rot in hell!"

Aideen and Davin Walsh were my first kills. They teased me everyday for two years when I was in primary school. They thought I was a small weak boy until I bashed their heads in with a rock. Aideen went first while I made her brother watch.

I was only eight. After that they sent me away for a long time.

I still remember all that they told me. All those degrading things can damage a child for life. I'm glad I did something before that. They didn't deserve to live either.

"The devil has your soul, you will never walk among the pure again."

The sound of screaming helped my from my nightmare. "Niall, what are you doing? Stop you're hurting me!"




It's not one of the Walsh twins I was hurting, it was Lyla. I look down at her shaking body then at my hands around her neck. Instantly I loosen my grip and shock fills me. "I-I...I didn't mean..." I stand up from her bed and she starts to cough as she hold her neck.

I hurt her.

You didn't meant too.

I really hurt her.


"I didn't mean to hurt you Angel. I-I'm so...so so sorry." I kneel beside her bed wanting to ask her for forgiveness.

"It's okay, Niall," I feel her hands over mine as she shakily looks into my eyes. "I know that you didn't mean too. You just had a little nightmare and you were sleepwalking. You're okay, Niall."

"Y-You forgive me?" I stutter and she nods.

She forgives me.

She has to, she's your angel.

"You didn't mean to." She reassures me as she comforts me by rubbing circles on my palm. I start to believe her. I'm so glad that she's so understanding.

"May I lay with you Lyla? N-Not promiscuously of course but-"

She nods meekly and pulls back the blankets. I climb in with her and pull the covers over us. I feel her hand in mine as she slowly moves mine over her waist then lays her head on my chest.

No more lonely nights for me.

Captured Innocence ➵ [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora