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I was such an idiot. I thought that he would hurt me like the rest. I feared that everything would turn out the same, but I see now that it would have been different. He is different. He is perfect.

I've been hurt one too many times in the past. One relationship after the next, always ending in disaster. My life was like a pendulum, swinging back and forth, never moving forward, and never learning from my mistakes.

Then Luca Marlowe came along. He showed me the true happiness in life. He showed me that things can change, they can be different, they can be perfect. He treated me like the only girl in the world and because of that; I was on top of the world.

All the other guys never understood why I was with Luca. They didn't know how he got me. I never saw myself as a prize but I saw the admiring looks that Luca got from the other guys. I saw the hand shakes and envious glares. But those things didn't faze us. We continued to perfectly coexist in our little world.

Before Luca dated me, none of the other girls noticed him. He was just another fly on the wall. When we started dating I found myself having to fight for him, having to hold on tightly. But it was all for nothing. Luca didn't want any of them, he only wanted me.

Just when I thought, 'This is it, Luca is the one,' someone reminded me that all good things eventually come to an end. The doubts began to roll in and the bad thoughts consumed my mind. I was trapped inside myself, not knowing who or what to believe. I lost focus. I lost sight of the goal. I lost sight of the prize: Luca. I lost my faith in him.

I decided that I'd end it before he had a chance to hurt me. Before I gave him everything, before I gave him my whole heart. That was the biggest mistake of my life.

Now I am all alone, depressed and missing him. I'm a jigsaw puzzle with a missing piece. I see now that he wouldn't have hurt me. I see now that I was a fool. I see now that I need him. I see now that I've only hurt myself. I see now, that I love him...

But now it's too late to get him back. I've lost him, I've lost my love and I've lost my faith in the world. This time, I know that everything will not be okay because this time, it was me who messed up.

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