Engraved in Our Hearts

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"You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen." I heard Emma's loud and cheerful voice. I looked into the mirror at the white beaded wedding gown. It was undoubtedly beautiful and seeing it, a smile made its way to my face.

After moving to San Francisco, I finished my remaining senior year and joined a nearby Art college for pursuing painting. I made a few friends who I really cared about as they did for me. My life was good. It could have been perfect only if.....

I sighed, closing my eyes and stopped myself from thinking about him. I was not supposed to think about him and be sad. Not today.

"Aww. Thank you Emma," Windy replied with a huge smile on her lips.

"You, too, look gorgeous Elise. Who would say you are the same Elise who came here two years back?" Emma smiled looking at me.

I looked into my reflection. I sure had changed. My hair was longer and reached till my waist. I had started wearing more girly dresses and I looked quite pretty. A few boys had asked me out on dates, but I couldn't say yes to any of them, maybe because none of them was my Nate. I guess I was still in pain. It took me six short years to fall so deeply in love with him and now after two long years I was still not out of it. I tried so hard to move on but failed each time.

I was wearing a peach silk dress with one strap on one shoulder. It was a simple, beautiful dress that flowed till my nude colored heels and looked very elegant.

"Just the appearance has changed Emma. Nothing else," I said and applied some lip gloss.

"That too for better." She grinned and I laughed lightly.

It was my best friend Windy's wedding day and I was the maid of honor. Windy was my neighbor when I first moved here. She stuck with me in senior year, even when I tried to remain alone. I wanted to be alone, but she never let me. I guess that's what best friends are for. She was marrying Robert Smith, whom she had met at this year's summer trip with her family. Soon they started dating and too soon Robert popped the question to her. A few weeks later they found out that Windy was pregnant and thought of marrying soon. I had met Robert twice or thrice and I could tell that he was a nice guy. I was happy for Windy.

"I have heard the Best man is gorgeous and extremely hot." Emma gushed. "You'll be one lucky girl today Elise." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "I don't mind switching places Emma. You can have him, whoever he is." I waved my hand a bit rejecting the guy I had not even seen yet.

Emma's face fell a bit and she asked, "Why are you still hung up on that ex best friend of yours? It has been years Elise, move on."

"I have moved on Emma." I lied in an instant which she clearly didn't buy. "Let's not talk about this today, please." I begged.

She smiled slightly and nodded. She turned towards Windy and went back to the earlier topic, "Who is he, Windy? Have you met him? Why didn't you tell me before? Is he hot? What's his name?" she questioned without giving Windy a chance to answer.

Windy and I chuckled. Windy straightened her already perfect gown and replied, "He is Rob's best friend from college. And yes, I have met him once or twice. He is very hot, well, less than Rob anyway." She grinned and continued, "And his name is - "

"Just 10 minutes more and the bridesmaids have to enter. You all ready?" the Wedding Planner came inside the room and we nodded.

I took a deep breath as I stood in front of the gates of the hall where the ceremony was taking place. I was supposed to make an entry with the Best man and he was still not here. Feeling a light tap on my shoulder, I turned to Emma, who was looking at me with worried expressions. "What's wrong?" I asked, concern dripping from my voice.

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