Preface - A single vision

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Four years later and the Cullen’s were still living their happily ever after.

They all sat around their vast living room, murmuring soft words to each other, whispers being picked up in the still air. Edward sat on the bench of his piano, long, marble fingers stroking the keys to create a beautiful lament. Bella, his eternal partner, sat on the space beside him, her head resting on his stone shoulder. Every few moments, Edward turned away from the piano, still playing, and pressed a deep kiss into her mahogany hair. She merely smiled to herself, her evident happiness showing through her golden eyes.

Rosalie and Renesmee sat nearby, grinning gloriously at each other, their beauty a dazzle when combined, as Rosalie brushed the disguised tangles out of Renesmee’s shower of dark cinnamon hair.

Emmet lounged on a large white couch a few feet away, eyes glued to a silent football match being shown on the massive flat-screen, occasionally muttering the odd profanity when the opposing team scored.

Esme arranged a stunning arrangement of flowers in the kitchen, humming quietly to herself, whilst every so often she peered at her children and tilted her head to the side, closing her eyes to savour the sight. She could not be happier.

Even though the sun-haired Carlisle was nowhere to be seen, the soft sounds of his footsteps could be heard over from his study. It appeared that the lean, honey-haired Jasper and pixie-like Alice were off hunting.

“That was a foul ball!” Emmet suddenly yelled, voice dripping with outrage. Rosalie jumped a little and shot him a look, but then her irritation fled and was replaced by an undiluted love. Emmet smiled back at her and then winked, before turning back to the game.

It seems like everything was perfect, not a follicle out of place.

But then the door suddenly sprung open and Alice rushed in, closely followed by a forever loyal Jasper. “A newborn.” She whispered the words, but the meaning clearly rang loud and clear as everyone stopped what they were doing and immediately faced her. “What?” Bella asked, a small frown playing on her face. “I had a vision.”

Alice seemed shaken up, pale face paler then usual, which prompted Jasper to lead her to a chair, regardless of her never-fatiguing body. Edward got off from the bench and sat down beside his favourite sister. “Of what?” “There’s going to be a newborn. In Forks. Soon.”

She looked at Edward, who simply looked back at a newly entered Carlisle. “Do you know when this is going to happen, Alice?” His voice was full of concern. “Just under a month, I think. When the leaves are dropping from the trees.”

Rosalie and Emmet exchanged a look. “Do you know who it is?” Alice shaked her head, closing her eyes for a moment. “..The vision was so blurry. The only thing I’m sure about is that it was an adolescent boy...Newly-awakened, I’d say.”

Carlisle nodded at her, taking a step back to step in pace with Esme. “We’ll need to get rid of him.” These words were from Rosalie. Emmet nodded in agreement. “I wouldn’t mind volunteering.” Carlisle shaked off the suggestions. “No. We do not kill innocents.....”

“But it’s a newborn!” Rosalie exclaimed. “You know how they’re like!”

“I’m behind Rosalie with this one.” Jasper catched her eyes for a beat but then turned back to Carlisle. “We don’t want a rampage. And if Alice is right, it’ll be a simple kill. Any one of us can get rid of him.”

“We can’t allow this, Carlisle. Surely you of all people should know this.” Edward said the words with sincerity, gazing back at his father.

Reluctantly, Carlisle nodded. “We’ll have to set up patrols. Bella, could you inform Sam, please? I’m sure he wouldn’t want us to withdraw this kind of information.”

Bella nodded in response, an unnameable emotion glinting in her eyes. Images of a long ago scene played out in her head—an army of newborn vampires. She shaked off the horrendous thoughts, watching as Carlisle put a hand on Edward’s shoulder. “It’d be good if you could try and pick up the locals thoughts. Just in case.” Edward agreed.

“And Alice, keep with those visions.” “I’ll try my best.” Carlisle nodded at his talented family, even though a small part at the back of his head did not agree with this sudden verdict. After all, he would much rather prevent death than enforce it. He walked out of the room, and slowly everyone dispersed and continued on with what they were prior doing, with darker emotions then they once possessed.

For Alice’s vision did not go on forgotten. 

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