Player ( Rinessa )

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I looked up, I saw him... my ultimate crush, my one and only... Kissing my best friend, Ashlyn.. I felt heartbroken.. I felt miserable.. I ran home and cried.

It has been 3 hours... I'm gonna try to call Ashlyn.. I grabbed my phone shakily and dialed her number.. A familliar voice picked it up.

" Hello? " A sweet voice says.. I was shocked.

" W-who is this?! " I asked worriedly.

" Well, I'm Riker Lynch. " He says a little annoyed and i felt more shocked now..

" W-well, I'm Vanessa.. I'm Ashlyn's best friend! Why do you have her phone? " I ask curiously.

" Me and Ashlyn fucked okay? So why don't you go fuck off? " He says clearly annoyed.. I felt so sad that i hung up the phone.. I felt a tear fall down my cheek.. I immediately wiped it and placed my phone on my nightstand.


I woke up from a nightmare.. It was even more horrible than what happened last night.. I sighed and went to the bathroom, i took a shower, brushed my teeth and put on some black jeans, a black long sleeved crop top, some
black wedges and some white earrings. I gotta admit i looked pretty hot.

I grabbed my bag and walked to school.. As i walked in, I saw Ashlyn with a guilty face on.. She walked over to me.. I had an annoyed face..

" V-Vanessa.. I'm sorry.. I d- " she says guilty but i cut her off.

" No Ashlyn! You told me you weren't gonna be a victim! You lied to me! I thought you were my bestfriend! " I exclaimed... Everyone didn't mind us cuz they were busy.

" I am your bestfriend! " She says.

I chuckled, " I'm sorry.. But i'm not friends with sluts. " I say rudely and walk to my locker.. She had a shocker face on.. This is why i don't have friends.. My friends are only Katie, Anna and my sister Laura.. These 3 girls are the girls Riker hasn't slept with... My sister hates Riker and she's dating Riker's brother, Ross.. He is way different from Riker and Anna's brother will kill Riker if he touches her and Katie is the student councilor's daughter.

I am not friends with the rest of the girls because they ALL slept with Riker! How disgusting! I know i like Riker but i want a normal relationship.. Not a guy who uses me for my body then the next day he fucks someone else..

I walked to class and sat on my seat.. I knew this class was gonna be horrible bc Riker sits beside me.. Arggghh.. Speaking of him, here he comes.

He sat beside me, and tapped my shoulder, " Hey. " That's all he says.

I looked at him annoyed, " What? " I ask rudely.

" Meet me after school.. My house " He says the winks.. I shook my head.

" No thanks. " I say shaking my head.

" What?! " He asks shocked, " You don't want this?! " He asks pointing towards his body.

" Nope, i don't. " I say.

" Hard- to- get i see.. Okay. " He says winking at me, " Your loss babe. " He adds.

" I'm not interested in you. You just fuck every single girl here and not having a steady relationship that's why me and my friends hate you. " I say confindently.. Yes, i lied.. I am interested in him but i don't want sex!

He looked pretty shocked and i just smiled innocently and faced the teacher who was now teaching.

Class has ended and i walked out to see the girls walk to me.

" Hey sis. " Laura says smiling..

" Hey, did Riker bother you? " Katie asks me.. I nodded.

" He tried.. But i refused. " I say softly.

" You better! I can't believe Ashlyn. What a dirty slut. " Anna says crossing her arms.

" Hey babe. " Ross says while approaching Laura.. Laura smiles.

" Hey honey. " Laura says..

" Hey girls.. Btw, Princess? Shall we go? " Ross asks smiling.. This is why i approved of him for my sister.. He is gentle and lovable.

" Okay my handsome prince.. Girls? I'll get going ok? " She says looking at us.

" Bye Laura! " We say as she walked away with Ross..

" I gotta talk with Daniel for a sec.. See ya " Anna says and walks away with Katie.. Someone tapped my shoulder.. I turned and It was Riker.

" Hey. " Was all he said.

Acts kind huh?

" Oh, hey player. " I say smirking.

" You can stop calling me that. " He says.

" Why should i? " I ask still smirking.

" Because i like you.. Your the only girl who has rejected me. I like feisty girls. " He says crossing his arms smirking.. My smirking face was gone and it turned into a shocked one.

" You what?! " I ask surprised and shocked.

" Yeah.. Can i kiss you? " Was all he asked me.

" No, your just gonna troll me to have sex with you then the next day you'll start fucking another girl! " I say angrily. He pushed me on my locker and kissed me.. I was shocked..

Soon, i kissed back.. He pulled away gently.

" Sweet lips.. Like i guessed.. Fuck it! I'll change! I'll change for you! I won't fuck anyone anymore.. Just you and only you. " He says smiling.. I slowly looked down.

" But you'll use me.. Like all the other girls. " I say sadly.

" I'll change babe. Promise, for you.. Now can you give me a chance? " He asks me sweetly.. I nodded as our lips touch again.

Raura/ Auslly / Rydellington / Rinessa One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now