I hear a little movement from the right side of me and a small groan erupts. I look over to see Vikk rubbing his eyes. I move over to him immediately "*whispers* oh thank god Vikk!" Then I hug him tightly "ow!" "Sorry." I hug him for a little longer then let go. He looks around, confused "W-where are we?" "I don't know Vikk...but we will get out of here...I promise you." He then started to cry out of his left eye, meaning he was in pain "The guys won't stop looking for us no matter what, you know that..." "Yeah...I know." He then stares at the ground, letting the tears seep into the cracks. I can't help myself either. So I too started to cry. I layed my arm over my eyes and let silent sobs come out. But I have to keep up hope. They won't stop until they find us right? I mean they can't just give up on us...I really hoped they haven't.

Tobi's P.O.V

I feel a sharp, sudden pain in my chest. I crouch over in my seat and groan. And, for some reason, JJ does the same thing. Ethan looks at us weirdly while Simon and Josh share a look of concern.

"Are you both okay?" I look up, still in pain from the sharp jab in my chest. Then JJ speaks up "Something bad is happening right now but I don't know what!" Then he groans loudly making Simon and Ethan go calm him down while Josh came over to me "Tobi, fo you know what's happening?" "N-no..." Josh puts his hands over his mouth, thinking hard "Wait, do you feel really sad?" "Uh yeah why?" "Do you also feel a burning sensation in your heart, like someone is stabbing you?" "Y-yeah actually, why?" "Oh fuck...I think I might know why..." "Then tell me Josh!" The other three from across the room were staring at us. Josh looked back at Simon "Simon, you know what this is...it happened to me before remember..." "Oh shit yeah...I remember now." "Well then fuckin tell us mate!" JJ shouted (btw, I'm making this next event up. Not sure if this actually happened to them but here it goes) "Okay, well, this happened along time ago actually, um some time after the E3 convention in California remember when Simon got hit by a car and his head was severely hurt?" "Oh yeah!" "Well, when we were at the hospital, I was the one to actually stay at the hospital while you guys went out to fo whatever, in that week I had a really severe pain in my chest like someone stabbed me in my heart...then I sort of realized why after Simon woke up from the week long coma...before we got together and I was also in love with Simon, still am honestly..." JJ looking confused, asked "So, you guys are thinking that the same thing is happening to us?" Then I realized something "Wait, then doesn't this mean that Vikk and Harry are getting hurt right now!?" I started to cry for the second day in a row. Vikk can't get hurt...he can't die... "Fuck, if me and Tobi feel this way then that means...we're in love with them or something, I don't know..." "Well, I mean it's obvious that Tobi loves Vikk so then that leaves Harry. You love Harry." JJ looks taken aback by that statement. He looks down at his lap and stares down at it for a few minutes.

"We are wasting time by sitting here, JJ are you okay to leave here? Cause the nurse said you can leave anytime you want..." "Um, y-yeah let's get the fuck out of here..." So with the everyone stands up and checks out of the hospital that morning.

*an hour after leaving*

Simon's P.O.V

"So, JJ, you should call up your friend again, see if she can recommend us to someone else?" "Okay, that's a good idea." So he turns around and rings up Paige.

JJ's P.O.V

Paige answers after the third ring "Yo, what's up Jiddle?" "Okay, Paige, since I know you're busy, maybe you can recommend us to a trustworthy friend?" "Oh yeah sure. Actually I know the perfect person. Her name is Stephanie, but I call her Steph. And luck you, she just so happens to work for the Italian government, so I call her up and tell her your going to call. I'll give you her number and trust me she is the best person next to me." "Alright Paige, thanks." "No problem, here's her number by the way, see you on the flip side!" "See ya!" I hung up and heard a text notification, it was from Paige.

Here's her number
Steph~ (xxx)666-6969
Lol, sex jokes amiright?

I chuckle at the comment and hand the other my phone "Well, she recommended a good person for us who happens to work for the Italian government." "That is a great turn of events!" "Yep. And that's her number so we should call her up." "Definitely!" The guys actually looked happy for the first time these couple of days. And, it makes me happy seeing them smile, but I can't help myself. Thinking about what Vikk and Harry are going through but not showing. Prety sure everyone else is doing the same but this happiness is actually genuine. So let's just have this moment of happiness right now and try to forget all the bad things happening.

Author's Note: Well that's chapter fifteen and a new character has shown herself. I decided to surprise my best friend, Steph, by doing this. I was going to tell her but I left it as a surprise. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And I hope to see you in the next one!

See you guys on the flip side!



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