Dawn of the day 10

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I let him kiss my neck… maybe before this war I could have a few nights of pleasure. I smiled and kissed him. He smirked and said “I love you so much.” I smiled I knew I loved him. “I love you too.” He kissed me and then continued to kiss my neck. I pushed up a little and nibbled on his ear a little he grunted. I knew he was ‘excited’ I giggled and he lifted my shirt off of my body…

I laid on Jake’s chest breathing hard. The car windows were fogged up, we were sweaty and exhausted. Jake had his arms around me and I smiled seeing him fast asleep. I looked out the windows seeing morning light. The bonfire ended hours ago. We were still ‘busy’ so no one bothered us. The LaPush pack left and my pack went to my home. I sighed and got up pulled my clothes back on. I got out of the car and kissed Jake one last time. “I love you.” I stated then headed home. I shifted and ran threw the woods I saw a large silver wolf he looked at me and asked “who are you.” I growled and stepped forward. “stay away from here!” he backed up instantly. I turned and ran saying “don’t follow.” He didn’t I reached home miles away from him and shifted back I walked into the house seeing the wolves. The guys smirked and the girls giggled. “shut it.” I stated they shrugged and I went up stairs. Bruno then shouted “were going to have to listen to him too!” I laughed and showered.

Jacob black. God I loved him. After I showered and changed I walked down stairs then said “he’s going to be over here a lot more now. I’ll have to distract him. Bruno you know all the training right?” he nodded and I said “good you train them. I’ll go with Jake.” Alda then said “sure it’s not pleasure then punishment.” I glared at her and said “Alda shut up because Embry is Jake’s best friend.” She buttoned her lip. I rolled my eyes and we started training again. I heard a knock on the door and walked over to it as every one stopped training. I opened it only to be tackled by a large guy and kisses. Jake. I laughed and kissed him back. “so about that date.” He stated I laughed and answered “I think we don’t have to after last night.” He shrugged and lifted me up. “I’m stealing Dawn!” he shouted and shut the door behind him. I saw my pack looking out the windows. I smiled and Jake drove off with me. “I never got to ask you something after last night.” He stated I looked at him and he asked “Dawn will you be my girlfriend?” I smiled and nodded.

“yes Jake.” He kissed me again and we stopped at Sam’s we walked in and Leah smiled at me saying “so you and Jake hugh?” I stuck my tongue out and Jake caught it with his own then started to make out with me. I giggled and he pulled back. I noticed everyone was smiling now. We sat on the chair me in Jake’s lap then Sam asked. “Dawn what do you know about your friends?” he was looking right at me. I raised a brow and stated “I know everything about them why?” Jake rubbed my leg asking “everything?” I nodded saying “yes everything. Why?” he shrugged saying “well I was just curious.” I looked at them all and I knew what they were thinking. They thought that my pack here was only here to take their home. “there here on a visit for a while why?” I asked again. I had to seem curious. “no reason were just wondering.” Jake answered then kissed my neck. I smiled and kissed him back. “ok.” Then Sam asked “what about your friend Allka?” I laughed and said “Alda. Not allka. She’s from New York also visiting.” I stated. He nodded again then they changed the subject. “Dawn would you like to go swimming with us?” Jake asked.

I nodded and said “sure.” Jake lifted me up and we walked out of the house with the pack following. Jake stayed by my side as Embry went on and on about Alda. I smiled they would be great together if she didn’t want to return home after our war. I wished that this war wouldn’t tear me away from this pack but I knew it had to. I watched as the pack all went into the ocean with their imprints of friends. It was nice it reminded me of Transylvania with Ion and his pack. We were family and they trained me to hunt like I do, they trained me in many ways but Bruno’s pack helped me gain speed, I was so much faster then anyone else now. Dar’s pack helped me connect with the earth any little change in the area and I would know about it. Alda’s pack helped me with my movements making my strikes all that more powerful. It was amazing what you can learn from other packs. The difference in the way of life. I loved it. I became a better werewolf because of it.

Jake pulled me into the water to swim. I laughed as he carried me into the deep end. Sam held Emily in the water and they kissed. Jared and Paul did the same with their imprints then Jake kissed me. I laughed as he pulled away with that goofy grin. I looked at the sun it was high in the sky. mid day. I was happy. I couldn’t be happier I had my pack coming a loving imprint but the only damper was the upcoming war. I hated that my pack was only here to fight against this war. I wanted them to be here to enjoy their time here. To spend it in peace with their imprints and pack mates but no we had to fight against a war. I wanted it to be a nice time I wanted it to be like this forever.

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