Dawn of a new day 3

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You see even if they did know I was a wolf like them I didn’t listen to Sam technically I’m his alpha. I shifted first. The door opened and a guy walked in he headed straight for the couch. “hey Jake.” Leah said sad. He waved but didn’t look. Then I stated “so I was wondering if you wanted to hang out for a while but seeing as your busy we can hang another time.” She nodded and said “tomorrow were having a bonfire you should totally join us.” I nodded and said “sure.” I got up hugged her then Seth and headed for the door but before I did I looked at Emily and said “nice seeing you again Emily.” She nodded and I walked out. I sighed as I ran threw the forest. I shifted into wolf form and raced on. As I ran I heard every wolf I met in my head thinking. I bonded to them so they became pack. ‘hey Dawn you make it back ok?” Bruno’s Australian voice came to me. ‘yeah home safe and sound.’ I replied. ‘good wa were.. gotting worried.’ Darweshi’s African voice stated. I smiled and then heard Ion from Transylvanian ask ‘anyone know what you are yet?’ I sighed and stated ‘no Ion not yet. Keep in touch guys and girls.’ I could hear the girls thinking about their packs letting me know how they were. The guys were doing the same.

We were family now and they kept in touch with everyone. Form traveling the world I made a pack threw meetings and hunting’s. There family to me as are my friends here. I raced home then reached the house I shifted back and changed into my clothes. I walked into the house and saw my dad waiting. He smiled and asked “how is she?” I smiled and said “fine just fine.” He nodded and I walked with him out of the house. “I’m headed into town would you like to come?” I shook my head no and said “no but I’m going to the beach for a while.” He nodded and handed me a house key. “I’m locking the door you can get in.” I nodded and he walked out. I smiled and headed to the beach. My phone was buzzing in my pocket. “hello?” I answered. “Buna. Dawn.” I knew it was Ion. I smiled and replied “Buna, Ce mai Faci?” translation hi how are you? He laughed and stated “still have that linguist tongue don’t you.” He stated I smiled saying “yeah guess so why are you calling?” I asked. I reached the beach and took off my shoes putting them on a rock I leaned on the rock.

“I needed to speak with you in private. Without other ears. I found something’s out about shifters.” He stated Ion was trying to help me find a love. “it’s ok Ion I don’t need it.” He sighed and stated “are you sure?” I nodded and said “yeah I’m sure but tell me how are you and Anca?” he sighed a happy sigh and said “she’s with child now. Twins a boy and girl.” I smiled for him. I hooked him and Anca up. He imprinted on her. “oh that’s great! Any names?” I could hear the smirk when he said “Dawn for the girl and Dragos for the boy.” I was flattered they were going to name a kid after me. “I’ll have to visit you some time when their born.” He chuckled and said “there was another question I wanted to ask you. Would you be their godmother?” I smiled and said “Ion I’m honored to be the god mother.” He then stated “good because we mailed the paper work to you already. Anca agreed you were the best candidate to take care of them incase anything’s happens to us and you would lead them right.” 

the Dawn of a new day (jacob black)Where stories live. Discover now