School time

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The rest of my summer was spent usually at home. I watched family guy a lot and ate even more. Although, I did attend my first cheer practice and I learned that johns doing soccer. All sports pass by during practice so I waved to him here and there while waiting for my dad after practice.
Now, it was freshman year. I was finally in high school and I was absolutely terrified.
What if I went to the wrong place? What are all of the names of the buildings? Why are the room numbers so mixed up and out of order? What if I walk into a class room and it's the wrong one? Am I ever going to get to know this campus? All I'm used to is one building with very few places to go. We had one room for everyone's math, one room for everyone's English, one room for everyone's global studies, and one room for everyone's science.
I guess I got to my first period class okay. I went to school with Carmen since we live close and she had first class with me so I managed that.
I also managed, for some dumb reason to get butterflies when I saw John sitting at a desk.
So, we have first period together? Okay. This is fine. He's my bud. Carmen and I sat with him for fun. I asked him what other classes he had and actually we had a substantial amount of periods together.
Listen, I know it sounds bad but Amelia and him are done. I promise. She's moved on. And Johnson really cute so I tried to flirt him up all week and next week, too, but we'll get to that later.

"Okay, so my names Mr. Andrews and we will be spending this whole year together. Every morning I'll see you and you'll see me. Now, I like order. I'm passing out clocks that have blank spaces where the hours should be. You'll fill out this form by going around the room putting each others names in the hours and they'll be your clock buddy. I'll say that hour and you will work with that person. Go mingle." Our teacher said. He seems alright. He was short, had red hair and reminded me of my old history teacher. They were both young and acted the same way. If he was like my history teacher in middle school, this year will be great.
And, so, we were off. Walking around the room collecting names to put on our sheet. I knew mostly everyone because of sports so I just went to them. Carmen was obviously my first go-to. But, by the time I made it to John his paper was filled.

"Hey, buddy, wanna be my 3 o'clock?" I said after I slammed down my paper.

I'm filled, sorry." He smiled at me awkwardly.

"Fine," I flicked my hand at him and turned away. I'll find someone else!" So with a red face and hurt pride I found someone else to fill my 3 o'clock.

Lunch time rolled around... For most people. For all of my friends, anyway. I had class fifth period......... With....... Guess who..... Yes, John Abbott. I did find people who I graduated middle school with and were pretty close to so I sat with them... Well her. There's was one person I'd sit with, Brittney. We became super close throughout last year and I loved her dearly. So, we sat together and had a good time.
This class was biology. We had a super awesome, hilarious teacher who was so old that my mom was one of his students. Mr. Aldrich.
On the first day he handed out crossword puzzles and sudoku to "get our brains in gear". We worked on those for a few days, actually. It was nice.
John sat near us, since his friend was sitting with the people Brittney originally sat with. They were boys from our class, one being my ex. It's cool, though.
The first bell went off and we all tried to get up.

"Ehh, not so fast." Mr. Aldrich said. "That was the halfway bell, you still have me for another twenty-five minuets." That's right, it was a lunch period. Lyndon had a thing going on where there were two different periods in one period for lunch. Weird, I know. It was understood by 5a lunch and halfway through 5b lunch. Our lunch period was 6th period but Brittney and I shared the same lunch study hall and lunch. 6a study hall and then 6b lunch.
Let me tell you, during the summer I ate when I wanted, which was all day. So after waiting from 7:50-12:35 to eat practically killed me. But I pushed through.
Finally, our study hall ended, and it was our lunch. Praise the lord! We stood in line and in front of us was John and another girl. They seemed friendly so I called his name, smiled and waved, never meaning to bother anyone. The girl rolled her eyes and he waved and smiled back.
Britt and I got our food and took our seats. We found our friend, Emily and sat with her. Gracie, a girl I already knew from softball, was with her, too. I was super thankful I never had to sit alone as a freshman.
The food at school was actually very good. It wasn't free, though. We had to scan our thumbs after getting food so they knew who ate their food and who didn't. My mom wasn't thrilled at that bill, let me tell you.


A few days went by and, yes! I did understand my schedule, even on block days!
Block days: Tuesday's and Wednesday's. Tuesday's were 1, 3, assembly, 5, 6, 7 and chocolate was over. Wednesday's were 2, 4, 5, 6, 8. These work by lengthening out the periods but 25 more minutes. Usually we had 40 minuet classes, except for 5 and 6. So a class that was 40 was 85 on block days. 5 and 6 period stayed the same 50 minuets since they're our lunch period. And on Wednesdays, we get out 25 minuets early. Instead of 2:45 it's 2:10.
Complicated, right? Don't worry, you get used to it. I especially got used to johns company. So much that one morning I texted Amelia.

"Hey girl so I was wondering if it'd be okay that I have johns number?" I sent her.

"Yeah Idc. I don't have a thing with him anymore lol." She replied.

"Okay. So do you mind giving me his number? Haha"

"Oh haha yeah sorry no problem." She sent me his number right after and I instantly messaged him. Creepy, right? Oh, it gets better.

"Hey friend. What's up?" I sent.

"Who's this? Haha" he replied in no time at all.

"Liz. Sorry that was really creepy. Amelia gave me your number."

"Oh ok haha"

"Yeah... So what's up?"

"Jus gettn ready for skool" oh, his texting style will murder me and then bury me in the ground.

"Oh nice. Same"

"Ya. Fun stuf"

"Oh so much fun"

"Ya haha"

"So I'll see you bright and early this morning. Bye!" I said, ending the conversation. At that moment, the conversation was too awkward for me. First, I texted him without him knowing I had his phone number, and second because what am I supposed to talk to him about? I'll wait to text him tonight.
At school we sat in our seats we've been sitting at. John has been sitting with us at lunch, though, which is nice. He and his friend, Zachary, graduated with Emily and Gracie so we all have a lunch table we sit at everyday and it's fun.
One time I pretended to eat Gracie's pizza but I didn't know she was a total germaphobe and she started freaking out. It ended okay, though.

One week of school was done, then another week and John and I have been talking for a while now.
One day in biology, he was being stupid. You know how boys are when they try to impress someone. He was making me laugh and his friend, and someone I graduated with turned to me and said,

"He likes you." In a hush hush voice. Butterflies. All over. Wow, he liked me.
At lunch he got up early to out his food away. He was gone for a while so I scanned the cafeteria. I saw him talking to that girl that gave me a dirty look in the lunch line, crouched down and close.
So, not thinking anything really bad of it, I went over to that table and put my hands on the digesting surface and started at it.

"So," I stared into his eyes. No backing out now, this was quite the burst of courage I've gotten. "I heard that you liked me." I tried to bite back my smile and I knew my face was a red, sweaty mess. I suck at talking to boys, I was so nervous.

"Oh yeah?" He stared back into my eyes and smiled. "Where'd you hear that?"

"Oh, just someone. Is it true?"


"Okay, cool." I straightened up and started walking away.

"Hey wait a second." He was standing and starting to walk over. He stopped at the side of the table I was on. "What if I do like you?"

"I don't know. What would happen?" I couldn't contain my happiness, my smile started showing.

"Well, I don't know! Do you like me?"

"Maybe." And at that I walked away. Taking in a very deep breath and smiling like an idiot.

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