one- new contact

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Tobie smiled and waved as Sara walked out the door. Immediately Jackson ran over to the toy chest and grabbed his Nerf gun, which he shot at a sticky target on the wall.

Tobie checked the calendar to see which kids she'd have, and Jamie was there. Would that change because her mom died? Or would her dad step up and actually take care of the kid?

Tobie didn't even know Jamie's dad's name, that's how little he was involved. Jordyn had been Jamie's primary care giver and was always with her- now that she was gone, who would help out?

If worst came to worst, Tobie would take that kid any day. She loved Jamie like she was her own, and one day, when she had kids, she hoped they'd be as lovely as Jamie was.


"Yeah?" She looked up. Jackson was peering over the top of her desk.

"Is Emeline gonna be here today?"

"Yeah, kiddo. Why?"

Jackson sighed and rolled his eyes. "I hate her."

"Jackson, you shouldn't say that." Tobie said, though she totally agreed. Emeline Vance was the most spoiled child Tobie had ever had the unfortunate luck to watch.

"But she's so mean! She steals my chicken nuggets and calls me weird. And she picks on Tony for being shorter than she is. She doesn't like Jamie either."

"How do you not like Jamie?" Tobie asked. She hadn't meant to say it, but she went with it.

"I don't know. Jamie's the best."

Tobie smiled, and the doorbell rang again. She and Jackson went to go see who it was, but they didn't have to go far.

"The Queen has arrived. Take my coat, peasant."

Jackson groaned. "It's Emeline."

"That's Queen Emeline to you, Jackson Wheeler."

The black haired girl stuck her tongue out at Jackson, and Jackson sighed, walking over to his gun and shooting it at the wall again.

Tobie looked for Emeline's mom, Victoria, but didn't see her anywhere. Shrugging, she picked Emeline's coat up off the ground, hung it up, and sat down at her desk again. She was waiting for Tony Mariano to show up, and was anxious for Jamie to come.

Let's say she was very impatiently waiting for the new contact.

"Yes, Papa- okay, I know!"

Tony walked in, eyes wide. "Tobie. My dad has gone nuts."

Tony Mariano was very mature for his age, but that could've been from the way he was raised. His mother was very sweet and polite, and his father was Italian, and Tony's Italian side of the family was all about maturity.

Naturally, Tony was just like his parents.

"That's alright, bud. What'd he tell you this time?"

"He reminded me to not eat too much bread and be nice to the kids. Even Emeline."

"You should always be respectful to the Queen, Tony. Didn't your father teach you anything?" Emeline asked.

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