Chapter 10

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"... I see. What would you like me to do instead? ... Mhm..... Hmm. And we can't just- Calm down. I understand how stressed you are. We will figure something out. Thank you for informing us, Ms. Pauling." -click.


For some reason, Spy's room felt smaller; nothing had changed, his ceiling was just as high, the fireplace just as hot, the pleather office chair just as unnaturally cold as usual, so what was different? Certainly, he preferred this to the med-bay where he had just spent the last few hours. Medic had purposefully undone all of the ER doctors' work, claiming most of it was unnecessary and cranked the medigun a couple dozen times in exchange. Spy was not amused, nor was he anywhere near glad he had been saved. His life was no longer in danger, yes, but now Katerina was. Spy was no idiot; he knew the moment Scout brought his little girl on the premises that it would all go to shit.

Did that mean Scout was to blame? Not exactly. He had assumed they would dock his pay or insist on a week suspension. He never would've guessed that Mann Co. would actively go out of their way to eliminate the intruders. He wasn't sure at this point that sending Melissa home would ensure her safety.

Both mercs were in quite a predicament, one that neither of them knew how to get out of. Granted, there were plenty of extremes they could go to, but would it be worth it in the end?

To Spy, the answer was clear, hopefully Katerina would see it his way.

"I take that the other mercenaries briefed you on our... situation." He sat on the armchair adjacent to the chaise lounge that his daughter had taken up.

"Brief is certainly the word I would use," she twirled her hair with a sarcastic scowl across her face.

"You are in danger here, that is obvious. I have a plan, but you must keep an open mind."

There was a knock at the door before it opened slowly, "Hey Spy, you said you- oh. I'll-"

"No, I want you both for this conversation," with his words, Scout stood beside the lounge, "So it seems we will not be penalized so long as the... 'intruders' are taken care of."

"Yeah, I figured as much, but how do we go about that?" Scout leaned on the arm rest.

"Well, your daughter is already imbued with Australium..."

"What are you- oh no. NONONONONO. NO. I will not put her through that again, you sick-"

"Even for her own safety?"

Scout fell silent, pondering the implications.

"Excuse me, Casimir... I feel as though I don't understand the... scenario?"

"Situation," Spy corrected, "And what we are asking of you is... very hard to understand."

Spy, in calm and saccharine words, explained the properties of Australium and it's relevance to the problem at hand.

"... You are acting very calm despite the severity of the situation." She mumbled.

"This is me panicking, my dear." his expression did not waiver, "I assume you know what must happen next."

"I think so..." her words were not confident, then again they never were, "Are you sure there is no other way?" she was not particularly fond of this suggestion, to put it nicely.

"There is no other way." Scout finally said, "But we will find one if you aren't up for it-"

"No. I... I will do it."



"You can still say no, Mel."


"Ms. Katerina will be by me... It'll be fine!"


"Yeah but..."



"Things can go wrong, y'know..."


"I'll be fine..."


"And besides..."


"You said it yourself..."


"The pain will only last a moment."


The familiar sound of Red team preparing for the impending battle was silenced; After being briefed on Spy and Scout's plan, they were hesitant, but they decided they would do what they were best at;

Soldiering on.

Katerina, Melissa and Spy creeped around the backside of the building, trying desperately to evade the battlefield. Much to their surprise, nobody had arrived to thwart their plan.

That lasted for all of 2 minutes.

A familiar enemy appeared; the Blu Sniper, whom was only trying to get to his watchpost. "You." he scowled, Kukri in hand. He charged recklessly at the Frenchman, aiming for the stomach. Spy retaliated with his own knife. Both men danced around each other, dodging stabs.

"I've 'bout had enough of this." The Sniper quickly opted for his gun, impatiently shooting Spy in the head.

Spy went down without any competition.

He nudged the body with his foot, confirming his kill. He smiled mercilessly, "Now, ladies. Let's make this quick."



Family Time #2: SpyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz