Chapter 4

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[I apologize for such a short chapter after an extremely long hiatus, but I hope you enjoy it anyway :3]

The Blue Spy.

"No offense, pal, but I don't need your shit right now." Scout tried to walk past him, but to no avail.

"I know what you're looking for."

Scout paused, "... I don't need your help. We got this."

He stepped into Scout's line of movement once more, "I personally don't think you can afford to be so proud right now." He pulled at the bottom edge of his mask and smirked.Scout could never get a proper reading from any Spy's body language, but this he understood.

He folded his arms and submitted, "Off with it, then."

"I'm afraid it is not that easy, my friend," he pulled out his knife discreetly, "and unless you want to alarm all of these poor, innocent people, I suggest you come with me."


"Melissa?! Meliss-" Ms. Pauling stopped in her tracks, "There you are!" There she was in a cluster of people, looking out the window. She ran to the child and grabbed her shoulder, "What were you thinking running off like that?!"

Melissa said nothing.

"Well? You worried me and your father sick! Speaking of which we have to find him." She grabbed her hand, but she wouldn't move, "Mel, we have to-"

She pointed out the window.The paramedics were outside taking a man to the hospital. A very familiar looking man.

"I found Mr. Spy..."

She shared a worried glance with the child before speaking again, "Honey, that could be anyone-"

"This fell out of his pocket..." she handed Ms.Pauling a tin cigarette case.

She stared at it for a long time, "... I need you to go find your dad immediately. Tell him I went after Spy," she looked back at the frightened child, "I know you're scared, but this is very important."

"I know, I just-"

"Hold on to this for me, okay?" she gave Melissa back the cigarette case and ran outside.

Alone and forgotten, she stood there by the window and watched Ms. Pauling hail a taxi and follow the ambulance.Now it was official; she didn't know what to do.


Scout and the Blu Spy disappeared behind a door marked 'EMPLOYEES ONLY.' He looked back at his suited-interrogator, "I don't think you're supposed to-"

"If you want to live, you will shut up." he closed the door behind them and locked it.

"Look, whatever this is about, can it wait? I need to get my daughter on a plane in a few hours."

"You won't be taking your daughter anywhere."

"Listen here, buddy-" he shoved the Spy against the door, "-I can't even begin to tell you the kind of week I've had; parental duties, sitting in the infirmary for hours, a fuckin' WAR, AND a rescue mission! If this can wait, so be it, because I gotta get out here!" he reached for the handle.

Spy intercepted him, "Your comrade is in trouble. According to my sources, he could 'kick the bucket,' as you say, at any moment now, he pulled out his knife again, "You will do as I say if you ever want to see him or your daughter again."

Scout paused...

And sighed in submission, "What do you want me to do?"

"There was a woman your Spy came here to see. She has something I need. Bring her to this address-" he held up a business card, "-in exactly two days time or else."

Scout snatched the card. 'The Evening Rose: Gentlemen's Club' was written in silver across the top, "A strip joint?"

"Tell the man at the door you've come to 'exchange the stock.'"

"Wait a minute, man, what exactly do you want with her-"

"You will do as I ask or your friends will die! There is no negotiation, only compliance. Do I make myself clear?"

"... Crystal."

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